CANFD Driver

This page gives an overview of the bare-metal driver support for the PS and Soft CANFD IP.   

Table of Contents 


This page gives an overview of canfd driver which is available as part of the Xilinx Vivado and Vitis Core Development Kit distribution.
For more information, please refer Chapter 66: Can Controller in Versal Trm which includes links to the official documentation and resource utilization. 

Driver Sources

The source code for the driver is included with the Vitis Unified Software Platform installation, as well as being available in the Xilinx Github repository.

Driver namePath in Vitis

Path in GitHub


<Vitis Install Directory>/data/embedded/XilinxProcessorIPLib/drivers/canfd

Note: To view the sources for a particular release, use the rel-version tag in github.  For example, for the 2020.1 release, the proper version of the code is:

The driver source code is organized into different folders. The table below shows the canfd driver source organization.
dataDriver .tcl, .yaml and .mdd file
docProvides the API and data structure details
examplesExample applications that show how to use the driver features
srcDriver source files, make and cmakelists file

Note: AMD Xilinx embeddedsw build flow is changed from 2023.2 release to adapt to the new system device tree based flow. For further information, refer to the wiki page Porting embeddedsw components to system device tree (SDT) based flow - Xilinx Wiki - Confluence (

The .yaml(in data folder) and CMakeLists.txt(in src folder) files are needed for the System Device Tree based flow. The Driver .tcl and .mdd files are for the older build flow which will be deprecated in the future.

Driver Implementation

For a full list of features supported by this IP, please refer Chapter 66: Can Controller in Versal Trm


Controller Features:

  • Compatible with the ISO 11898 -1, CAN 2.0A, and CAN 2.0B standards
  • Standard (11-bit identifier) and extended (29-bit identifier) frames
  • Flexible Bit rates up to 8 Mb/s
  • Nominal Bit rates up to 1 Mb/s
  • Transmit message FIFO (TxFIFO) with a depth of 64 messages
  • Watermark interrupts for TxFIFO and RxFIFO
  • Automatic re-transmission on errors or arbitration loss in normal mode
  • Two 64-deep RX FIFOs with 32 ID Filter-Mask pairs
  • Four Rx acceptance filters with enables, masks and IDs
  • Loop back and snoop modes for diagnostic applications
  • Mask able error and status interrupts
  • 16-Bit time stamping for receive message
  • Readable Rx/Tx error counters
  • Message with lowest ID transmitted first

Driver Features:

  • Supports Standard and extended frames
  • Supports Config, Sleep, Normal and snoop modes
  • Supports Acceptance filter configurations
  • Supports Polled and interrupt modes
  • Water mark interrupt support for both Tx and Rx FIFOs

Example Applications

Refer to the driver examples directory for various example applications that exercise the different features of the driver. Each application is linked in the table below. The following sections describe the usage and expected output of the various applications.  These example applications can be imported into the Vitis IDE from the Board Support Package  settings tab.

Links to Examples

Examples Path:

Test NameSourceDescription
Polledxcanfd_polled_example.cIt configures the CANFD controller in loop back mode with no interrupt enabled and verifies the data received with data sent
Interruptxcanfd_intr_example.cIt configures the CANFD controller in loop back mode with interrupts enabled and verifies the data received with data sent

Example Application Usage

Canfd polled mode test

It configures the CANFD controller in loop back mode with no interrupt enabled and verifies the data received with data sent
Polled Mode test::
CANFD Polled Mode Example Test
Successfully ran XCanFd Polled Mode example

Canfd interrupt mode test
It configures the CANFD controller in loop back mode with interrupts enabled and verifies the data received with data sent
Interrupt Mode test:
CANFD Interrupt Example Test
Successfully ran XCanFd Interrupt Mode example

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