AXI-I2C standalone driver

This page gives an overview of the bare-metal driver support for the AXI I2C controller.

Table of Contents


The LogiCORE™ IP AXI IIC Bus Interface connects to the AMBA® AXI specification and provides a low-speed, two-wire,
serial bus interface to a large number of popular devices. This product specification defines the architecture,
hardware (signal) interface, software (register) interface, and parameterization options for the AXI IIC Bus Interface module.

Source path for the driver:

Driver source code is organized into different folders. Below diagram shows the iicps driver source organization
-- Doc - Provides the API and data structure details
- Examples - Reference application to show how to use the driver APIs and calling sequence
- Source - Driver source files
Driver Sources

The source code for the driver is included with the Vitis Unified Software Platform installation, as well as being available in the Xilinx Github repository. 

Driver NamePath in VitisPath in Github

<Vitis Install Directory>/data/embedded/XilinxProcessorIPLib/drivers/iic

Note: To view the sources for a particular release, use the rel-version tag in github.  For example, for the 2020.1 release, the proper version of the code is:

The driver source code is organized into different folders.  The table below shows the ospipsv driver source organization. 



Provides the API and data structure details


Driver .tcl, .yaml and .mdd file


Example applications that show how to use the driver features


Driver source files, make and cmakelists file

Note: AMD Xilinx embeddedsw build flow has been changed from 2023.2 release to adapt to the new system device tree based flow. For further information, refer to the wiki link Porting embeddedsw components to system device tree (SDT) based flow
The .yaml(in data folder) and CMakeLists.txt(in src folder) files are needed for the System Device Tree based flow. The Driver .tcl and .mdd files are for the older build flow which will be deprecated in future.

Driver Implementation

For a full list of features supported by this IP, please refer


• Register access through AXI4-Lite interface
• Master or slave operation
• Multi-master operation
• Software selectable acknowledge bit
• Arbitration lost interrupt with automatic mode switching from master to slave
• Calling address identification interrupt with automatic mode switching from master to slave
• START and STOP signal generation and detection
• Repeated START signal generation
• Acknowledge bit generation and detection
• Bus busy detection
• Fast-Mode Plus 1 MHz, Fast Mode 400 kHz, or Standard Mode 100 kHz operation
• 7-bit or 10-bit addressing
• General call enable or disable
• Transmit and receive FIFOs – 16 bytes deep
• Throttling
• General purpose output, 1-bit to 8 bits wide
• Dynamic Start and Stop generation

Known issues and Limitations

  • None.

Example Applications

Refer to the driver examples directory for various example applications that exercise the different features of the driver. Each application is linked in the table below. The following sections describe the usage and expected output of the various applications.  These example applications can be imported into the Vitis IDE from the Board Support Package  settings tab. 

Links to Examples

Examples path:

Test nameExample sourceDescription
AXI IIC eeprom example in dynamic modexiic_dynamic_eeprom_example.cThis example does read/writes using AXI IIC dynamic mode
AXI IIC eeprom example in standard modexiic_eeprom_example.cThis example does read/writes using AXI IIC standard mode
AXI IIC repeated start examplexiic_repeated_start_example.c

This example does read/writes with repeated start.

Example Application Usage

AXI IIC eeprom example in dynamic mode

This example does read/writes using AXI IIC dynamic mode
Expected Output
Successfully ran IIC dynamic eeprom Example
AXI IIC eeprom example in standard mode
This example does read/writes using AXI IIC standard mode
Expected Output
Successfully ran IIC eeprom Example
AXI IIC repeated start example
This example does read/writes with repeated start.
Expected Output










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