Zc702 Base TRD

Zc702 Base TRD

Zc702 Base TRD

TRDs are key components of the Xilinx Targeted Design Platform (TDP) strategy.TDPs from Xilinx provide customers with basic scalable design platforms
for the creation of FPGA-based solutions in a wide variety of applications and industries.

The Base Targeted AP SoC Reference Design
The Base TRD showcases various features and capabilities of the Zynq-7000 AP SoC Z-7020 device for the embedded domain in a single package using a Xilinx standard Zynq platform Linux-based video pipeline design. The Base TRD consists of two processing elements: the Zynq-7000 AP SoC processing system (PS) and a video accelerator based on PL. The AP SoC allows you to implement a specific functionality either as a software program running on the Zynq-7000 AP SoC PS or as a hardware design inside the PL. The Base TRD demonstrates an optimization of how you can seamlessly switch between a software or a hardware implementation, contributing to
ease of use. The TRD also demonstrates the value of offloading computation-intensive tasks onto PL, thereby freeing the CPU resources available for user-specific applications.
Software developers can leverage the Base TRD and start programming immediately using the widely known Eclipse-based integrated development environment (IDE), GNU compiler tool chain, Linux operating system (OS), and libraries. Embedded hardware designers now have immediate access to the industry standard ARM® Cortex™-A9 core processor system and video IPs running on PL out of the box. In addition, the TRD also provides customers with access to the various PL-based video components such as video direct memory access (VDMA), video timing controller (VTC), video test pattern generator (TPG), Sobel filter and the Xylon logiCVC-ML display controller

These IP cores are part of the video pipeline implemented in the PL.
The Base TRD consists of a PS based on the embedded ARM Cortex-A9 core processor, a video processing pipeline implemented in PL, and a Linux-based software application that includes a Qt-based graphical user interface (GUI) (doc.qt.nokia.com) to provide user control and monitoring. The Linux-based software platform and software application run on the ARM Cortex-A9 cores. The software application works in tandem with hardware and provides you with the choice of offloading computation-intensive processing to the PL-based hardware subsystem.

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