Boards And Kits Install Guide

Boards And Kits Install Guide

Table of Contents

This guide will explain where to get and how to install and license the Xilinx Design tools and necessary software and drivers needed to get started with any Xilinx development board. This guide will include where to download and how to install: Vivado Design Suite, Integrated Software Environment (ISE) design tools, ChipScope Pro logic analyzer, Embedded Tools (including Embedded Development Kit (EDK) and standalone Software Development Kit (SDK), PlanAhead, Silicon Laboratories drivers needed for USB-to-Mini-B cable (for UART), and recommend HyperTerminal programs.

Silicon Labs drivers and Suggested Emulator Terminals

To ensure that your Board has successfully installed the up to date drivers and to download,install and configure a hyper terminal please follow the link below

Setup a Serial Console

Xilinx National instruments Labview

To ensure proper setup for the AMS portion of the getting started guide and for personal AMS validation, please follow the Xilinx labview link.

Downloading/Installing Xilinx Design Tools

Xilinx offers Vivado and ISE Design suites for download. Vivado primarily used to build IP and system-centric designs from the ground up while ISE Design Suite unlocks full potential of Xilinx Targeted Design Platforms with configurations for logic, embedded, and DSP designs.

Obtaining The Software 1.If you received a Xilinx Design Tools DVD, proceed to Installation section. 2.If you need to download the latest software, follow the steps below.

  1. To begin,open an internet browser and navigate to Xilinx Software Download
  2. To download the Xilinx Design Tools
    • Select the DesignTools tab in the web page.
    • Under the Version heading, click the version of the tools you want to download.
    • Click the link for the installer you want to download.

Note: Beginning in 2012.3/14.3, there is a Multiple File Download option. This option contains four smaller downloadable archives and is the recommended option for customers who cannot reliably download the larger install files. This option requires that all four files listed in the section be downloaded prior to running the installer. See Important Information area of the web page section for more details. Note: For 14.x, the installers under the Xilinx Design Tools heading also contain the standalone selections for the Software Development Kit and Lab Tools. Depending on your use case, you may not need to download these separate installation programs if you are downloading the Xilinx Design Tools installers. 3. Enter your User ID and Password to log into your Xilinx account. An address verification screen will appear. Note: If you do not have a Xilinx account,you must create one in order to download products. Installation Note: When you get to the section on obtaining a license see the "licensing” section below 1. If you received a Xilinx Design Tools DVD,load the DVD otherwise see the other options below. If the auto-run feature of your DVD drive is enabled, the set up program should start automatically. If it does not, browse to the DVD in Windows Explorer and run xsetup.exe and follow the procedures.

  • If you downloaded an installation file, decompress that file and run xsetup.exe.\

Note: For more information on the installation process you may look at the most recent guide for either vivado or ISE linked below.

Licensing This guide will explain how to properly Redeem your Voucher License and install your licence. please flow Boards and Kits Voucher Licensing link. Upon completing this guide refer back to the Getting Started Guide for your Kit to view the many features that your board has to offer.

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