Power Management - Getting Started

Power Management - Getting Started

This page acts as a landing page for users to get started with power management targeting Zynq UltraScale+ and Versal Adaptive SoCs.

Table of Contents


The wiki page describes the tools that can be used to estimate and monitor the power consumption of ZynqMP and Versal while performing different scenarios in the Processing section (PS) as well as Programmable logic (PL). By executing these scenarios on both the PS and PL, users can use the actual power consumption information to predict the Power budget of their real application.

This page also describes various ways to optimize the power at different stages of the boot process, and links to a guide on debugging issues related to power management.

Tools to Estimate and Measure Power


Power estimation is critical for many decisions during the FPGA design process—from device selection to system-level power budgeting and thermal design. Power Design Manager (PDM) is the new, next-generation power estimation platform designed to bring accurate and consistent power estimation capabilities to even the largest Versal and Kria SOM products. Power Design Manager is the preferred power estimation tool for the Versal product family. XPE will continue to support all devices prior to the Versal product family.

More information on the PDM can be found here Power Design Manager


The Xilinx Power Estimator (XPE) is a spreadsheet-based tool that helps you to achieve this. XPE estimates the power consumption of your design at any stage during the design cycle. It accepts design information through simple design wizards, analyzes them, and provides detailed power and thermal information.

More information on XPE and its usage can be found here Xilinx Power Estimator (XPE)

System Controller based power monitoring

Versal Evaluation Board - System Controller - Update 7 Provides generic details on the System controller on Versal.

The Jupyter notebook-based Power Advantage tool (PAT) and BEAM tool can be used to monitor and modify different parameters (clocks, voltages, power, etc.) on the evaluation boards. The BEAM tool is targeted for the Versal platforms whereas PAT is targeted for the ZynqMP platforms.

  1. Here you can find the example using the BEAM tool to monitor the power BEAM Tool for VCK190 Evaluation Kit and Versal Adaptive SOC Power Tool part 1 - Introduction to the Power Tool. A brief description of the Versal power tool is also outlined here for a better understanding