Zynq Linux

Zynq Linux

The page discusses general information related to running Linux on the Zynq-7000 SoC. 

Table of Contents


Many pieces come together to boot Linux successfully on Zynq. Information about the Zynq Processing System (PS), the design and layout of your board and the function of your custom hardware must be combined in order for your product to function properly. This section will help you understand the pieces and how they fit together.

The Zynq boot process begins with running code inside the Boot ROM. The boot ROM manages the early boot process by selecting the boot medium and quickly loading the First Stage Boot Loader (FSBL). The FSBL does important early system initialization, configuring the DDR trace lengths of the PCB, setting the PLL coefficients and many others. The FSBL is created by Xilinx tools using information from your hardware project.

The FSBL is the stepping point between Xilinx's code and yours. What happens next depends on what type of software your system needs. If your device runs Linux it's very likely that your next stop is loading U-boot.
Complete information on the booting of Zynq can be found in the Technical Reference Manual.

The Xilinx Zynq Linux kernel is based on the Linux kernel from kernel.org together with Xilinx additions (BSP and drivers). It is typically updated to stay close to the latest version from kernel.org on a regular basis. In general, the Xilinx Linux kernel for Zynq follows normal ARM Linux processes for building and running.

Xilinx Zynq Linux Strategy

Xilinx is striving to push code from the Xilinx GIT server to the open source community (kernel.org, u-boot, etc.). Pushing the code takes time such that the Xilinx GIT servers contain the latest code base and is recommended for customer use. A minimal BSP for Zynq has been pushed to the mainline (kernel.org) and is available there. At this time, Xilinx only supports Linux from the Xilinx GIT server.

Xilinx Zynq Linux Support

Xilinx Zynq Linux is based on open source software (the kernel from kernel.org). Xilinx provides support for Xilinx specific parts of the Linux kernel (drivers and BSP). Xilinx also supports Linux thru the Embedded Linux forum on http://forums.xilinx.com. As with many open source projects, Xilinx also expects customers to also use the open source mailing lists for Linux in areas that are not specific to Xilinx Zynq.

Using a Pre-Built Image/Release

Xilinx provides pre-built linux releases which can be used in place of building the kernel and creating a boot image. These can be found here: Zynq Releases

Zynq Linux Kernel


Building the Linux kernel is only supported from a Linux based host. It is not supported from Windows.
The details of steps to building the kernel and boot image are described inGetting Started

Kernel Details

The Board Support Package (BSP)

The primary code for the platform is in arch/arm/mach-zynq directory of the kernel tree. The BSP contains some drivers and utilizes some existing drivers from arch/arm.
Hardware BlockDriver NameNotes
GICgic.cin arch/arm/common
PL330pl330.ca different driver now exists in kernel.org
PS2ps2.csupport for keyboard and mouse in QEMU
SCU Global Timerscu_gtimer.cprovides primitive abilities only

Device Drivers

The Xilinx Linux kernel includes drivers for each hardware block. The Linux Drivers page provides more details .

Device Tree

Device tree is a process by which the Linux kernel initializes itself based on the hardware platform. Device tree allows a single kernel image to run on multiple hardware platforms. A device tree file, named *.dts, is a text file that describes the hardware platform. It is compiled into a device tree blob, *.dtb, which is loaded into memory before the Linux kernel is started. The Linux kernel then uses that device tree blob to initialize itself at runtime.
The process to create a device tree source (.dts) file, and compile a device tree blob (.dtb) from the DTS is described in