Zynq Ultrascale MPSoC Multiboot and Fallback

Zynq Ultrascale MPSoC Multiboot and Fallback

This page will describe procedures to make images for Multiboot and fallback use case scenarios of booting on ZCU102 board.

Table of Contents

1.1 ZCU102 Mutltiboot and Fallback Procedures

1. Multiboot Procedure for A53 first then R5 in Non Secure SD boot mode
2. Multiboot Procedure for R5 first then A53 in Non Secure SD boot mode
3. Mutliboot Procedure for Standalone Application in Secure SD boot mode
4. Fallback Procedure for A53 first then R5 in Non Secure SD boot mode
5. Fallback Procedure for R5 first then A53 in Non Secure SD boot mode
6. Fallback Procedure for Standalone Application in Secure SD boot mode
1. Multiboot and fallback boot images(boot.bin, boot000x.bin) should be made with using same key
in encryption for Secure boot mode.

1.1.1 Multiboot using A53's boot first and then R5 in Non-Secure SD boot mode

1. Refer to Generate images section of PetaLinux in Non Secure mode
2. Build the FSBL for A53 using SDK as follows