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This page provides detailed information related to Design Module 14 - Xilinx Low Latency PL DDR XV20 SDI Video Capture and Display

Table of Contents

Table of Contents
excludeTable of Contents

1 Overview

This module enables the capture of video from an SDI-Rx subsystem implemented in the PL. The video can be displayed through the SDI-Tx subsystem implemented in the PL. The module can stream-out and stream-in live captured video frames through an Ethernet interface at ultra-low latencies using Sync IP. This module supports multi-stream for XV20 pixel format. In this design, PL_DDR is used for decoding and PS_DDR for encoding so that DDR bandwidth would be enough to support high bandwidth VCU applications requiring simultaneous encoder and decoder operations and transcoding at 4k@60 FPS.


The below figure shows the Xilinx Low-latency PL DDR SDI design software block diagram.


1.1 Board Setup

Refer below link for Board Setup

1.2 Run Flow

The TRD package is released with the source code, Vivado project, Petalinux BSP, and SD card image that enables the user to run the demonstration. It also includes the binaries necessary to configure and boot the ZCU106 board. Prior to running the steps mentioned in this wiki page, download the TRD package and extract its contents to a directory referred to as TRD_HOME, which is the home directory.


Code Block
├── apu
│   └── vcu_petalinux_bsp
├── images
│   ├── vcu_10g
│   ├── vcu_audio
│   ├── vcu_hdmi_multistream_xv20
│   ├── vcu_hdmi_rx
│   ├── vcu_hdmi_tx
│   ├── vcu_llp2_hdmi_nv12
│   ├── vcu_llp2_hdmi_nv16
│   ├── vcu_llp2_hdmi_xv20
│   ├── vcu_llp2_sdi_xv20
│   ├── vcu_multistream_nv12
│   ├── vcu_pcie
│   ├── vcu_sdirx
│   ├── vcu_sditx
│   └── vcu_sdi_xv20
├── pcie_host_package
│   ├── COPYING
│   ├── include
│   ├── libxdma
│   ├── LICENSE
│   ├── readme.txt
│   ├── RELEASE
│   ├── tests
│   ├── tools
│   └── xdma
├── pl
│   ├── constrs
│   ├── designs
│   ├── prebuild
│   ├──
│   └── srcs
└── README.txt


Code Block
├── apu
│   └── vcu_petalinux_bsp
│   └── xilinx-vcu-zcu106-v2020.1-final.bsp
├── images
│   ├── vcu_llp2_sdi_xv20
│   │   ├──
│   │   ├── BOOT.BIN
│   │   ├── boot.scr
│   │   ├── config
│   │   ├── image.ub
│   │   ├── system.dtb
│   │   └── vcu
├── pl
│   ├── constrs
│   ├── designs
│   │   ├── zcu106_picxo_llp2_sdi
│   ├── prebuild
│   │   ├── zcu106_picxo_llp2_sdi
│   └── srcs
│       ├── hdl
│       └── ip
└── README.txt


Code Block
├── 1080p60
│   ├── Display
│   ├── Stream-in
│   └── Stream-out
├── 4kp30
│   ├── Display
│   ├── Stream-in
│   └── Stream-out
└── 4kp60
    ├── Display
    ├── Stream-in
    └── Stream-out

1.2.1 GStreamer Application (vcu_gst_app)

The vcu_gst_app is a command-line multi-threaded Linux application. The command-line application requires an input configuration file (input.cfg) to be provided in the plain text.


1.3 Build Flow

Refer below link for detailed build flow steps


2 Other Information

2.1 Known Issues

2.2 Limitations

2.3 Optimum VCU Encoder parameters for use-cases

Video streaming:

  • Video streaming use-case requires very stable bitrate graph for all pictures

  • It is good to avoid periodic large Intra pictures during the encoding session

  • Low-latency rate control (hardware RC) is the preferred control-rate for video streaming, it tries to maintain equal amount frame sizes for all pictures.

  • Good to avoid periodic Intra frames instead use low-delay-p (IPPPPP…)

  • VBR is not a preferred mode of streaming


  • Enable profile=high and use qp-mode=auto for low-bitrate encoding use-cases

  • The high profile enables 8x8 transform which results In better video quality at low bitrate


3 Appendix A - Input Configuration File (input.cfg)

The example configuration files are stored at /media/card/config/ folder.


It indicates to the application that the configuration is over.


4 Appendix B - SDI-Rx/Tx Link-up and GStreamer Commands

This section covers configuration of SDI-Rx using media-ctl utility and SDI-Tx using modetestutility, along with demonstrating SDI-Rx/Tx link-up issue and steps to switch resolution. It also contains sample Gstreamer SDI XV20 Xilinx’s Ultra Low-Latency and Video pipelines for Display, Stream-In and Stream-Out use-cases.
