Migrate from PetaLinux project to Yocto project
PetaLinux is a development and build environment which automate tasks required to boot embedded Linux on Xilinx Platforms. It uses Yocto underneath for configuring and building various Xilinx components. This page helps to migrate the PetaLinux generated conf files to Yocto project.
Note that this flow is provided as is and not supported by Xilinx Technical Support. This flow only works in 2021.1 - 2022.2.
For 2023.1 and later releases this flow has been deprecated, please use Gen Machine Conf instead gen-machine-conf/README.md at main · Xilinx/gen-machine-conf , this presentation and this README are also of value.
Table of Contents
Exporting PetaLinux Project
This section provides the steps to export the Petalinux project into a .run file which could be easily imported into the Yocto project.
Step 1: Create the petalinux project using template flow/bsp flow and configure it as required.
$ petalinux-create -t project -s <bsp path>
$ petalinux-config --silentconfig
settings.sh is for bash if shell is csh use settings.csh.
Step 2: Get the script and run it to generate the .run file.
The above yocto-migrate.sh script will take the petalinux project as input which is specified as argument and creates the plnx-yocto-migrate.run file.
$ chmod a+x yocto-migrate.sh
$ ./yocto-migrate.sh <petalinux project path>
Importing Petalinux Project into Yocto Project
Step 1: Create yocto project using below steps
$ mkdir yocto
$ cd yocto
$ repo init -u https://github.com/Xilinx/yocto-manifests.git -b <branch-name>
$ repo sync
$ chmod 666 setupsdk
Step 2: To import the petalinux data into yocto project run the plnx-yocto-migrate.run which is generated in the section 'Exporting Petalinux Project' above. This will create and extract the files into yocto/sources/petalinux directory.
plnx-setupsdk | Setup script to add petalinux project environment into the yocto project. This will be called inside the setupsdk file if you specify the PLNX_SETUP=1. |
etc/ | This directory will contain the tcl script which will be used to create the uboot/device-tree configuration files Ex: system-conf.dtsi. |
plnxtool.conf | Petalinux generated .conf file with yocto variables. You can edit this file as required and build in yocto project. |
project-spec/ | Project configuration files directory. It will have the hardware file(xsa) which was included in petalinux project. |
Step 3: source the setupsdk and build
This will copy plnxtool.conf file into yocto/build/conf directory from yocto/sources/petalinux and add yocto/sources/petalinux/project-spec/meta-user layer into yocto/build/conf/bblayers.conf file.
It is always recomended to use PLNX_SETUP=1 when sourcing the setupsdk to setup petalinux environment properly otherwise build may fail.
The images/linux directory will be created in yocto/sources/petalinux/
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