PMU Firmware

PMU Firmware

This page provides information related to the Zynq UltraScale+ MPSoC Platform Management Unit (PMU). The PMU controls the power-up, reset, and monitoring of resources within the system. 

Table of Contents

Overview of PMU Firmware

The Platform Management Unit (PMU) in Zynq MPSoC has a Microblaze with 32 KB of ROM and 128 KB of RAM. The ROM is pre-loaded with PMU Boot ROM (PBR) which performs pre-boot tasks and enters a service mode. For more details on PMU, PBR and PMUFW load sequence, refer to Platform Management Unit (Chapter-6) in Zynq MPSoC TRM (UG1085). PMU RAM can be loaded with a firmware (PMU Firmware) at run-time and can be used to extend or customize the functionality of PMU. Some part of the RAM is reserved for PBR, leaving around 125.7 KB for PMU Firmware.

Here is the memory layout of PMU RAM:

The PMU Firmware provided in Vitis, comes with a default linker script which aligns with this memory layout and there is no specific customization required from user.


PMU Firmware is designed to be modular and enables adding new functionality in the form of modules. Each functionally distinct feature is designed in as a module, so that PMUFW can be configured to include only the required functionality for a user application. This type of modular design allows easy addition of new features and as well as optimizes memory footprint by disabling unused modules.

All the common functions that may be required by the modules are organized as separate libraries in PMUFW with APIs clearly specified. The included APIs in PMU Firmware are given below:
  1. ROM Services API
  2. Reset Services API
  3. BSP/Utility API

These APIs can be used by the modules in PMUFW to perform the specified actions as required.

Each module can be provided with three handlers which are called in during the respective phases as described below:
Module HandlerPurposeAPI for Registering the Handlerexecution context
InitCalled during the init of the core to configure the module, register for events or add scheduler tasks. This can be used to load the configuration data into the module if required.XPfw_CoreSetCfgHandler(const XPfw_Module_t *ModPtr, XPfwModCfgInitHandler_t CfgHandler);StartUp
Event HandlerCalled when an event occurs (module should have registered for this event, preferably during the init phaseXPfw_CoreSetEventHandler(const XPfw_Module_t *ModPtr, XPfwModEventHandler_t EventHandler);Interrupt
IPI HandlerCalled when an IPI message with respective module-id arrivesXPfw_CoreSetIpiHandler(const XPfw_Module_t *ModPtr, XPfwModIpiHandler_t IpiHandler, u16 IpiId);Interrupt
PMUFW has a default set of modules which address most of the common use case for Power Management and Error Management. these modules can be taken as references for implementation of custom modules.

Inter-Processor Interrupts(IPI) Handling in PMUFW

PMU has 4 Inter-Processor Interrupts(IPI) assigned to it and one set of buffers. By default, PMUFW uses IPI-0 and associated buffers for all message exchange with other processors on the SoC. PMUFW uses IPI driver to send and receive messages. An IPI manager layer is implemented over the driver and it takes care of dispatching the IPI message to the registered module handlers based on IPI ID in the first word of the message. The message format for IPI is given below:
0Header<target_module_id, api_id>
1PAYLOADModule dependent payload
6RESERVEDRESERVED – for future use

IPI-1 is used for the callbacks from PMU to other masters and for communication initiated by PMUFW.

Currently, PM and EM modules use IPIs and this can be taken as reference for implementing custom modules which require IPI messaging.

Building PMU Firmware using Vitis

For tips configuring PMU firmware builds in PetaLinux see PetaLinux Yocto Tips.

  1. Open Vitis
  2. Create a new application with File->New→Application Project...:
    1. Enter project name and click on Next. Eg: pmufw
    2. Select platform as "zcu102" from "Create a new platform from hardware (XSA)" tab options. Click on Next
    3. Now select the domain option as below and click on next
      1. CPU: psu_pmu_0
      2. OS: standalone
      3. Language: C
    4. Select "ZynqMP PMU Firmware" template from Templates list and click on Finish.
    5. After this, PMU project will be created. Right click on the project and select "Build Project" to build PMU Firmware.
  3. Connect to the local board and test the connection. You should see a pop up showing that the connection was established successfully.
  4. Connect to the COM port on the terminal to view the UART prints.


    PMUFW uses psu_uart_0 as default STDOUT. This can be changed to other UARTs using the "Modify BSP Settings" dialogue.  To enable debug prints from PMUFW, add DEBUG_MODE and/or XPFW_DEBUG_DETAILED to the defined symbols list in build settings dialog.

    Additionally, Xilinx tools default to loading PMUFW from CBR in which case any early/init prints will not be seen.  See Using FSBL to load PMUFW for more details.

    Attention: When PMUFW logging is enabled, power management for the logging UART port will be disabled. Because of that, some system-wide power management operations will also be affected (e.g. suspend/resume operations may not work properly.) Therefore, PMUFW logging should be enabled only when necessary.

  5. On XSCT Console, Connect to the board and Run the PMU firmware.
  6. View the PMU firmware prints on the Terminal console

Debugging PMU FW using Vitis

PMU FW will be built with -Os and LTO optimizations by default.

If the user need to disable the optimization (for debugging), two things need to be done:
Since removing optimization results in increase of code size and can result in not being able to build PMU FW, some of the features that the user don’t use, need to be disabled by removing build flags from project settings. And to further disable some features, it can be disabled in xpfw_config.h file of PMU FW
To disable/modify Optimizations, below changes need to be done:
PMU FW application: In "Miscellaneous" section, need to remove/modify highlighted options below:

 It has to be noted that the compiler “Optimization” screen in Vitis cannot sense the optimization selected through “Miscellaneous” flags screen (above). This means “Optimization” screen still shows “-O0”, which can be misleading to the users (as shown below).

Below are the steps to debug PMU FW application using Vitis:
  1. Right click on the application to "Debug As" and click on “Debug Configurations”.
  2. Right click on System Debugger and Click "New". You get a "New Configuration". Click on Debug.
  3. You will now see the debug perspective and PMU firmware will run.
  4. Place the break points to control the flow and rerun for debugging.

Loading PMU Firmware in JTAG boot mode

From 2017.1, PM operations depend on the configuration object loaded by FSBL. So it is mandatory to load PMU FW before loading FSBL. This is taken care in device boot modes, but in JTAG boot mode, user need to specifically ensure this.
Following are the steps for JTAG boot mode:
  1. For Silicon v3.0 and above, PMU Microblaze is not visible in xsdb. Hence disable security gates to view PMU Microblaze
  2. Load PMU FW and run
  3. Load FSBL and run
  4. Continue with U-Boot/Linux/user specific application
Following is the complete TCL script:
#Disable Security gates to view PMU MB target
targets -set -filter {name =~ "PSU"}
mwr 0xffca0038 0x1ff
after 500
#Load and run PMU FW
targets -set -filter {name =~ "MicroBlaze PMU"}
dow xpfw.elf
after 500
#Reset A53, load and run FSBL
targets -set -filter {name =~ "Cortex-A53 #0"}
rst -processor
dow fsbl_a53.elf
#Give FSBL time to run
after 5000
#Other SW...
dow u-boot.elf
dow bl31.elf

Loading PMU Firmware in SD boot mode

Note: When PMUFW is loaded in a non-JTAG Boot mode on a 1.0 Silicon, an error message "Error: Unhandled IPI received" may be logged by PMUFW at startup, which can be safely ignored. This is due to the IPI0 ISR not being cleared by PMU ROM which is fixed in 2.0 and later versions of Silicon.

PMU Firmware can be loaded by either FSBL or by CSU BootROM (CBR). Both these flows are supported by Xilinx. PMU Firmware loading by CBR will be needed in the cases where the customer board has an onboard regulator that needs to be programmed to bring up the boot processor's power rail. Loading PMU Firmware using FSBL has these benefits: (i) Possible quick boot time, when PMUFW is loaded after bit-stream, (ii) In use cases where the user want two BIN files - stable and up-gradable, PMUFW can be part of the up-gradable (by FSBL) image.

Using FSBL to load PMU FW

Note: This method of loadind PMUFW (versus loading by CBR) is necessary to see any early prints issued by PMUFW during initialization.

  1. We already have pmufw.elf with us. ( See building PMU FW at the top of this page)
  2. Build an FSBL in the Vitis for A53. ( R5 can also be used)
  3. Create a hello_world example for A53. Right Click on the "hello_world example" project and select "Create a boot image"
  4. Create a new bif file. Choose
    1. Architecture : ZynqMP
    2. You will see A53 fsbl and hello_world example by default in partitions. We need pmufw too.
    3. Click on Add, then provide pmufw.elf path. Also Partition type: datafile, Destination device : PS, Destination CPU : PMU
    4. Click OK.
    5. After adding pmufw as partition. Click on pmufw partition and click UP bottom.
    6. Make sure partition order
      1. A53 fsbl
      2. pmufw
      3. hello world App
    7. Click on Create Image. You will see BOOT.bin created in a new folder "bootimage" in your example project.
    8. View the .BIF file to confirm the partition order.
    9. Now copy this BOOT.bin into SD card.
    10. Boot the ZCU102 board in SD boot mode. You can see the fsbl -> pmufw ->hello_world example prints in a sequence.

Using CBR to load PMU FW

Note: When PMUFW is loaded by CBR, it is executed prior to FSBL. So the MIOs, Clocks and other initializations are not done at this point and this means that the PMUFW banner and other prints may not be seen prior to FSBL.
Post FSBL execution, the PMUFW prints can be seen as usual.

  1. To make CBR load pmufw, we just need to change the BOOT.bin boot partitions.
  2. Now steps listed above (1 -> 3) are same.
  3. Create a new bif file. Choose
    1. Architecture : ZynqMP
    2. You will see A53 fsbl and hello_world example by default in partitions. We need pmufw too.
    3. Click on Add, then provide pmufw.elf path. Also Partition type: pmu (loaded by bootrom).
    4. Click OK.
    5. Click on Create Image. You will see BOOT.bin created in a new folder "bootimage" in your example project.
    6. You can also view .BIF to confirm the partition order.
    7. Now copy this BOOT.bin into SD card.
    8. Boot the ZCU102 board in SD boot mode. You can see the pmufw -> fsbl ->hello_world example prints in a sequence.

PMU FW Build Flags

FlagDescriptionRequires these flags/build options to be enabledDefault setting

Enables detailed debug prints in PMU Firmware

This feature is supported in 2017.3 release and above

Additionally, see Using FSBL to load PMUFW regarding necessary configuration to see early prints during initialization.


This enables print based debug functions for PM module. Possible values are:

  • 1: Alerts
  • 2: Errors
  • 3: Warnings
  • 4: Information

Higher numbers include the debug scope of lower number, i.e: enabling 3 (warnings) also enables 1 (alerts) and 2 (errors)

Additionally, see Using FSBL to load PMUFW regarding necessary configuration to see early prints during initialization.

ENABLE_EMEnables Error Management ModuleENABLE_SCHEDULERDisabled
ENABLE_ESCALATIONEnables escalation of sub-system restart to SRST/PS-Only if the first restart attempt failsENABLE_RECOVERYDisabled
ENABLE_NODE_IDLINGEnables idling and reset of nodes before force shutdown of a sub-system
ENABLE_PMEnables Power Management Module
ENABLE_SCHEDULEREnables Scheduler Module
ENABLE_WDTEnables WDT based restart functionality for PMU using CSU WDTENABLE_SCHEDULER, ENABLE_EMDisabled
ENABLE_CUSTOM_MODEnables custom module which is a placeholder for user
ENABLE_STLEnables STL Module
ENABLE_RTC_TESTEnables RTC Event Handler Test Module
ENABLE_SAFETYEnables CRC calculation for IPI messages
ENABLE_FPGA_LOADEnables FPGA bitstream loadingENABLE_PMEnabled
ENABLE_SECUREEnables security featuresENABLE_PMEnabled

Enables debug prints for XMPU/XPPU error handling

see Using FSBL to load PMUFW regarding necessary configuration to see early prints during initialization.


Enable debug logging and prints

See Using FSBL to load PMUFW regarding necessary configuration to see early prints during initialization.

DEBUG_CLKEnables dumping clock and PLL state functionsENABLE_PMDisabled
DEBUG_PMEnables debug functions for PMENABLE_PMDisabled
IDLE_PERIPHERALSEnables idling peripherals before PS or System resetENABLE_PMDisabled
ENABLE_POSEnables Power Off Suspend featureENABLE_PMDisabled
EFUSE_ACCESSEnables eFuse access featureENABLE_PMDisabled
ENABLE_MOD_ULTRA96Enable power button functionality for ULTRA96 boardENABLE_PM, ENABLE_SCHEDULERDisabled

Bypass SMMU functionality in the firmware during suspend and rewoke the same when resume.

PMU_MIO_INPUT_PINEnables board shutdown related code
EXT_RESET_MIO_PIN_VALBoard external reset MIO pin (32-37). For K26 and K24 by default it is configured as 35.
EXT_RESET_MIO_PIN_STATE_VALBoard external reset MIO pin active state (0-1).

Note: To enable the platform specific build flag please refer below:
Zynq UltraScale+ MPSoC Restart solution#ModifyingPlatformSpecificBuildFlags

Power Management in PMU FW

Zynq MPSoC Power Management framework is based on an implementation of the Embedded Energy Management Interface (EEMI). This framework allows software components running across different processing units (PUs) on a chip or device to issue or respond to requests for power management.
The PM module is implemented within the PMU firmware as an event-driven module. Events processed by the PM module are called power management events. All power management events are triggered via interrupts.  When handling an interrupt the PMU firmware determines whether the associated event shall be processed by the PM module. Accordingly, if the PMU firmware determines that an event is power management related and if the PM module is enabled the PMU firmware triggers it to process the event.
When processing a power management event the PM controller may exploit the PMU ROM handlers for particular operations regarding the state control of hardware resources.  Refer to Zynq Power Management Framework User Guide(UG1199) for details.

PM Configuration Object

The configuration object is a binary data object used to allow updating data structures in the PMU firmware power management module at boot time. The configuration object must be copied into memory by a processing unit on the Zynq UltraScale+ MPSoC. The memory region containing the configuration object must be accessible by the PMU.
The configuration object specifies:
  • List of masters available in the system
  • All the slave nodes the master is currently using and current requirement of the master for the slave configuration
  • All the slave nodes the master is allowed to use and default requirement of the master for the slave configuration
  • For each power node, which masters are allowed to request/release/power down
  • For each reset line, which masters are allowed to request the change of a reset line value
  • Which shutdown mode the master is allowed to request and shutdown timeout value for the master
  • Which masters are allowed to set configuration after the configuration is already set upon the system boot by the FSBL

PM Configuration Object Generation

PM Configuration Object is generated as part of XilPM library which is included in A53/R5 FSBL BSP. The PM Configuration Object generation is as follows:
  1. The user specifies their custom PM framework Configuration using the PCW tool
  2. PCW generates the HDF file
  3. At build time, the HDF Parser parses the HDF file and insert the config object into the FSBL code

As mentioned above, the PM Configuration Object is generated by default for FSBL. Following are the steps to create Configuration Object with any A53/R5 application:
  1. Open Vitis.
  2. Click on File -> New -> Application Project. "New Project" window will appear
  3. Enter project name and click on Next. Eg: test
  4. Select platform as "zcu102" from "Create a new platform from hardware (XSA)" tab options. Click on Next
  5. Now select the domain option as below and click on next
    1. CPU: psu_cortexa53_0
    2. OS: standalone
    3. Language: C
  6. Select "Hello World" template application. Click Finish.
  7. Click on "Modify BSP settings". BSP settings window appears as below. Select "xilpm" library and click on "Ok"
  8. Now the BSP and application will get regenerated with xilpm library.
  9. Now configuration object is generated as part of xilpm library. To verify the same, please check bsp -> psu_cortexa53_0 -> libsrc -> xilpm_v2_4 -> pm_cfg_obj.c

Initial Configuration at Boot

At boot-up:
  1. FSBL sends the config object to PMU with the Set Configuration API
  2. PMU parses config object and configures
  3. PMU powers off all nodes which are unused after all the masters have finished initialization
All other requests prior to the first Set Configuration API call will be rejected by PMU Firmware

Error Handling in PMU FW

Error Management Hardware

Zynq MPSoC has a dedicated error handler to aggregate all the fatal errors across the SoC and handle them. Refer to the TRM/Arch Spec for details.
All fatal errors routed to Error Manager can either set to be handled by HW ( and trigger a SRST/PoR/PS Error Out) or trigger an interrupt to PMU.

Error Management in PMU Firmware

Important Note: To enable Error Management module in PMUFW, the macro ENABLE_EM needs to be defined either in the compiler flags or in file xpfw_config.c

PMU Firmware provides APIs to register custom error handlers or assign a default SRST/PoR/PS Error Out action in response to an Error. There is a specific module (xpfw_mod_em.c) already provided in PMUFW and it is enabled by default.
All error handling code should reside in this module and there are already a couple of examples on handling WDT errors.
Action for each error can be setup using XPfw_EmSetAction API:
 * Set action to be taken when specific error occurs
 * @param ErrorId is the ID for error as defined in this file
 * @param ActionId is one of the actions defined in this file
 * @param ErrorHandler is the handler to be called in case custom action
 * @return XST_SUCCESS if the action was successfully registerd
 *         XST_FAILURE if the registration fails
s32 XPfw_EmSetAction(u8 ErrorId, u8 ActionId, XPfw_ErrorHandler_t ErrorHandler);
Actions supported for the parameter ActionId are:
Action IDDescription
EM_ACTION_PORTrigger a Power-On-Reset
EM_ACTION_SRSTTrigger a System Reset
EM_ACTION_CUSTOMCall the custom handler registered as ErrorHandler param
EM_ACTION_PSERRTrigger a PS-Error out action

List of Error IDs for ErrorId parameter:
Error IDDescription
EM_ERR_ID_CSU_ROMErrors logged by CSU Boot ROM (CBR)
EM_ERR_ID_PMU_PBErrors logged by PMU Boot ROM (PBR) in the pre-boot stage
EM_ERR_ID_PMU_SERVICEErrors logged by PBR in service mode
EM_ERR_ID_PMU_FWErrors logged by PMUFW
EM_ERR_ID_PMU_UCUn-Correctable Errors logged by PMU HW. This includes PMU ROM validation Error, PMU TMR Error, uncorrectable PMU RAM ECC Error, and PMU Local Register Address Error.
EM_ERR_ID_CSUCSU HW related Errors
EM_ERR_ID_PLL_LOCKErrors set when a PLL looses lock (These need to be enabled only after the PLL locks-up)
EM_ERR_ID_PLPL Generic Errors passed to PS
EM_ERR_ID_TOAll Time-out Errors [FPS_TO, LPS_TO]
EM_ERR_ID_AUX3Auxilliary Error 3
EM_ERR_ID_AUX2Auxilliary Error 2
EM_ERR_ID_AUX1Auxilliary Error 1
EM_ERR_ID_AUX0Auxilliary Error 0
EM_ERR_ID_DFTError associated with the unexpected enablement of DFT features
EM_ERR_ID_CLK_MONClock Monitor Error
EM_ERR_ID_PWR_SUPPLYSupply Detection Failure Errors
EM_ERR_ID_FPD_SWDTFPD System Watch-Dog Timer Error
EM_ERR_ID_LPD_SWDTLPD System Watch-Dog Timer Error
EM_ERR_ID_RPU_CCFAsserted if any of the RPU CCF errors are generated
EM_ERR_ID_RPU_LSAsserted if any of the RPU CCF errors are generated
EM_ERR_ID_FPD_TEMPFPD Over Temperature Alert
EM_ERR_ID_LPD_TEMPLPD Over Temperature Alert
EM_ERR_ID_RPU1RPU1 Error including both Correctable and Uncorrectable Errors
EM_ERR_ID_RPU0RPU0 Error including both Correctable and Uncorrectable Errors
EM_ERR_ID_OCM_ECCOCM Uncorrectable ECC Error
EM_ERR_ID_DDR_ECCDDR Uncorrectable ECC Error

Example for Error Management (Custom Handler)

For this example OCM uncorrectable error (EM_ERR_ID_OCM_ECC) is considered. A custom handler is registered for this error in PMUFW and the handler in this case just prints out the error message. In a more realistic case, the corrupted memory may be reloaded, but this example is just limited to clearing the error and printing a message.
Adding Error Handler in PMUFW:
Add the OCM error handler to the xpfw_mod_em.c file as below:

/* OCM Uncorrectable Error Handler */ 
static void OcmErrHandler(u8 ErrorId) 
	XPfw_Printf(DEBUG_DETAILED, "EM: OCM ECC error detected\n"); 
	/* Clear the Error Status in OCM registers */ 
	XPfw_Write32(0xFF960004, BBIT(7)); 

And the OCM ECC error action is set to PS Error out by default. To change this, make the following change for EM_ERR_ID_OCM_ECC entry in ErrorTable structure in xpfw_error_manager.c file

[EM_ERR_ID_OCM_ECC] = { .Type = EM_ERR_TYPE_1, .RegMask = PMU_GLOBAL_ERROR_STATUS_1_OCM_ECC_MASK, .Action = EM_ACTION_PSERR, .Handler = NullHandler},

Modify the code to change the error action to "Interrupt to PMU":
[EM_ERR_ID_OCM_ECC] = { .Type = EM_ERR_TYPE_1, .RegMask = PMU_GLOBAL_ERROR_STATUS_1_OCM_ECC_MASK, .Action = EM_ACTION_CUSTOM, .Handler = OcmErrHandler},
Injecting Error using debugger (xsdb) :
;# Enable ECC UE interrupt in OCM_IEN
mwr -force 0xFF96000C [expr 1<<7]
;# Write to Fault Injection Data 0 Register OCM_FI_D0
;# Errors will be injected in the bits which are set, here its bit0, bit1
mwr -force 0xFF96004C 3
;# Enable ECC and Fault Injection
mwr -force 0xFF960014 1
# Clear the Count Register : OCM_FI_CNTR
mwr -force 0xFF960074 0
;# Now write data to OCM for the fault to be injected
# Since OCM does a RMW for 32-bit transactions, it should trigger error here
mwr -force 0xFFFE0000 0x1234
;# Read back to trigger error again
mrd -force 0xFFFE0000

The above code is in TCL for debugger. Same can be easily ported to a 'C' source by just replacing the mwr/mrd with Xil_Out32/Xil_In32

Example for Error Management ( PoR as a response to Error)

Some error may be too fatal and the system recovery from those errors may not be feasible without doing a Reset of entire system. In such cases PoR or SRST can be used as actions. In this example we use PoR reset as a response to the OCM ECC double-bit error.
Here is the code that adds the PoR as action:
To change OCM ECC error action to PoR, make the following change for EM_ERR_ID_OCM_ECC entry in ErrorTable structure in xpfw_error_manager.c file

[EM_ERR_ID_OCM_ECC] = { .Type = EM_ERR_TYPE_1, .RegMask = PMU_GLOBAL_ERROR_STATUS_1_OCM_ECC_MASK, .Action = EM_ACTION_PSERR, .Handler = NullHandler},

Modify the code to change the error action to "Power on Reset":
[EM_ERR_ID_OCM_ECC] = { .Type = EM_ERR_TYPE_1, .RegMask = PMU_GLOBAL_ERROR_STATUS_1_OCM_ECC_MASK, .Action = EM_ACTION_POR, .Handler = NullHandler},
The TCL script is same as the one for above example to inject OCM ECC error. Once you trigger the error, a PoR occurs and you may see that all processors are in reset state similar to how they would be in a fresh power on state.
PMU RAM also gets cleared off during a PoR, so PMUFW needs to be reloaded.

Example for changing error action for FPD/LPD WDT

LPD and FPD WDT initialization or error action configuration is dependent on FSBL completion as FSBL also uses either of the WDTs. Unlike other errors configuration, these errors need to be configured in xpfw_mod_common.c file. PMU checks for FSBL completion and configures error action for these WDTs in CheckFsblCompletion function in xpfw_mod_common.c file. So, to change error action for FPD WDT, following is the example.
Changing error action for FPD WDT:
If FSBL is running on A53, FPD WDT error action is set to SWDT_EM_ACTION based on https://github.com/Xilinx/embeddedsw/blob/master/lib/sw_apps/zynqmp_pmufw/src/xpfw_config.h#L325
Otherwise, it is set to SRST

To change error action of FPD WDT to POR if FSBL is running on A53
Original at https://github.com/Xilinx/embeddedsw/blob/master/lib/sw_apps/zynqmp_pmufw/src/xpfw_mod_common.c#L70:

			(void)XPfw_EmSetAction(EM_ERR_ID_FPD_SWDT, EM_ACTION_POR,

To change error action of FPD WDT to POR if FSBL is running on R5
Original at https://github.com/Xilinx/embeddedsw/blob/master/lib/sw_apps/zynqmp_pmufw/src/xpfw_mod_common.c#L77:

			(void)XPfw_EmSetAction(EM_ERR_ID_FPD_SWDT, EM_ACTION_POR,
Changing error action for LPD WDT:
If FSBL is running on R5, LPD WDT error action is set to SWDT_EM_ACTION based on https://github.com/Xilinx/embeddedsw/blob/master/lib/sw_apps/zynqmp_pmufw/src/xpfw_config.h#L325
Otherwise, it is set to SRST

To change error action of LPD WDT to POR if FSBL is running on R5
Original at https://github.com/Xilinx/embeddedsw/blob/master/lib/sw_apps/zynqmp_pmufw/src/xpfw_mod_common.c#L80:

			(void)XPfw_EmSetAction(EM_ERR_ID_LPD_SWDT, EM_ACTION_POR,

To change error action of LPD WDT to POR if FSBL is running on A53
Original at https://github.com/Xilinx/embeddedsw/blob/master/lib/sw_apps/zynqmp_pmufw/src/xpfw_mod_common.c#L73:

			(void)XPfw_EmSetAction(EM_ERR_ID_LPD_SWDT, EM_ACTION_POR,

Adding a Custom Module

Creating a New Module

Each set of user defined routines performing a specific functionality should be designed to be a module in PMUFW. These files should be self contained and can use APIs from xpfw_core.h to call in FW routines. Each module should support the following interfaces:
1. Config Handler : Called during Init.
2. Event Handler: When a registered event is triggered
3. IPI Handler: When an IPI Message arrives with the registered IPI ID
To create a module, in the user_startup routine:
PmModPtr = XPfw_CoreCreateMod();
(void)XPfw_CoreSetCfgHandler(PmModPtr, PmCfgInit);
(void)XPfw_CoreSetEventHandler(PmModPtr, PmEventHandler);
(void)XPfw_CoreSetIpiHandler(PmModPtr, PmIpiHandler,0U)

Adding a Task to Scheduler

Tasks are functions which take void args and return void. Currently PMU Firmware has no way to check that the task returns in a pre-determined time, so this needs to be ensured by the task design. Let us consider a task which prints out a message:
void TaskPrintMsg(void)
    xil_printf("Task has been triggered\r\n");
If we want to schedule the above task to occur every 500ms, the following code can be used:
Status = XPfw_CoreScheduleTask(TaskModPtr, 500U, TaskPrintMsg);
if(XST_SUCCESS == Status) {
    xil_printf("Task has been added successfully !\r\n");
else {
    xil_printf(Ërror: Failed to add Task.!\r\n");

Registering for an Event

All interrupts that come into PMU are exposed to user as Events with specific EVENTIDs defined in xpfwevents.h; Any module can register for an event (usually in CfgInitHandler) and the module's EventHandler will be called when an event is triggered. To register for an RTC Event:
Status = XPfw_CoreRegisterEvent(ModPtr,XPFW_EV_RTC_SECONDS);

Example of an EventHandler

void RtcEventHandler(const XPfw_Module_t *ModPtr, u32 EventId)
    xil_printf("MOD%d:EVENTID: %d\r\n", ModPtr->ModId, EventId);
    if(XPFW_EV_RTC_SECONDS == EventId){
            /* Ack the Int in RTC Module */
            xil_printf("RTC: %d \r\n", Xil_In32(RTC_CURRENT_TIME));

PMU Firmware Memory Footprint

This section contains the approximate details of PMU Firmware Memory Footprint with various modules enabled.
In PMU Firmware,
  • PM and FPGA modules are enabled by default. FPGA block in PMU Firmware does the xilfpga and xilsecure functionality which performs loading of bitstream to PL, loading of secure image to memory and reading FPGA status. FPGA block does not have a separate build flag for itself and is part of PM module.
  • Error Management and Restart modules are not enabled by default
Refer to PMU Firmware Build Flags for module default setting information

Note: All of the metrics are with compilation optimized for size -Os. This optimization setting is enabled by default in Vitis. To disable the same, user need to follow the steps mentioned in Debugging PMU FW using Vitis section above
S.NoFeature/ComponentSize occupied (KB)Free space (KB)Additional NotesRemarks
1PMU Firmware without detailed debug prints enabled112.515.5This is with base PMU Firmware, PM module and FPGA block
2PMU Firmware with detailed debug prints enabled1235Detailed debug prints are enabled when XPFW_DEBUG_DETAILED and DEBUG_MODE flags are definedThis estimation is with combination of (1) and (2)
3PMU Firmware with Error Management Module enabled115.412.6Error Management module is enabled when ENABLE_EM and ENABLE_SCHEDULER flags are definedThis estimation is with combination of (1) and (3)
4PMU Firmware with Restart Module enabled117.510.5Restart module is enabled when ENABLE_RECOVERY, ENABLE_ESCALATION and CHECK_HEALTHY_BOOT flags are defined along with ENABLE_EM and ENABLE_SCHEDULER flagsThis estimation is with combination of (1) and (4)

Examples to enable/disable modules

  1. PM module is enabled by default with ENABLE_PM build flag. This build flag is defined in <PMU Firmware Application>/src/xpfw_config.h file. To disable PM Module, user need to make changes to xpfw_config.h file by removing/commenting defined ENABLE_PM flag.
  2. All other build flags can be enabled by following the below steps.
    1. Right click on the PMU Firmware project and select "C/C++ Build Settings" option. Properties window appears
    2. Select "Settings" from "C/C++ Build" options. In "Tool Settings" tab, select "Symbols" from "Microblaze gcc compiler" option
    3. Click on "Add" under "Defined symbols (-D)"
    4. Enter flag name to define and click "Ok"
    5. Again click "Ok" on properties window and the application will start building with the new compile flags defined

Registers reserved for PMU Firmware

Following are the general storage registers used by PMU Firmware
  1. 0xFFD80034 (PMU_GLOBAL_GLOBAL_GEN_STORAGE2) → Since 2018.1 if POS is enabled, FSBL waits till PMU has finished resuming by polling this register. Users are free to use this register after reset so it can still be considered as "reserved for customers".
  2. 0xFFD80038 (PMU_GLOBAL_GLOBAL_GEN_STORAGE3) → Since 2018.1 if POS is enabled, PMU waits till FSBL has finished reading the boot type. This additional handshake step is required in boot scenarios where FSBL is started by CSU. PFW must wait for CSU to trigger FSBL start otherwise there may be race condition where PFW is trying to restore state of processor as part of resume from Power Off Suspend sequence while CSU is trying to run FSBL on that same processor. Users are free to use this register after reset so it can still be considered as "reserved for customers".
  3. 0xFFD80040 (PMU_GLOBAL_GLOBAL_GEN_STORAGE4 - bit 0) → This register bit needs to be written by upper layer APU applications. So that, in case of FPD WDT error (and when ENABLE_RECOVERY and CHECK_HEALTHY_BOOT macros are defined), PMU checks this register to find out if previous boot was successful and does subsystem restart only if last boot was successful.
  4. 0xFFD80040 (PMU_GLOBAL_GLOBAL_GEN_STORAGE4 - bits 1 and 2) → Since 2018.3, these bits are used to know the status of RPU 0 and RPU 1 usage which will be updated by FSBL. Based on this information, PMU will decide whether to shutdown the unused RPU cores or not.
  5. 0xFFD80040 (PMU_GLOBAL_GLOBAL_GEN_STORAGE4 - bits 3 and 4) → Since 2018.3, these bits are used to set the restart scope to ATF in case of WDT restart.
  6. 0XFFD80040 (PMU_GLOBAL_GLOBAL_GEN_STORAGE4 - bit 16) → Written by PMU Firmware, FSBL uses this register bit to know if reset is APU only reset.
  7. 0XFFD80044 (PMU_GLOBAL_GLOBAL_GEN_STORAGE5 - bit 0) → Written by FSBL, PMU Firmware uses this register to know if FSBL has completed its execution. Since 2018.1, this check is performed to initialize and start the CSU WDT timer when ENABLE_WDT macro is defined.
  8. 0XFFD80044 (PMU_GLOBAL_GLOBAL_GEN_STORAGE5 - bits 1 and 2) → Written by FSBL. PMU Firmware uses these bits to know if FSBL is running on which processor. 01: APU, 10: RPU0, 11: RPU LS
  9. 0xFFD80044 (PMU_GLOBAL_GLOBAL_GEN_STORAGE5 - bits 16 to 23) → Since 2018.3, XilFPGA library in PMU uses these bits to store the PL state to know whether secure bit-stream or non-secure bit-stream or no bit-stream loaded. This information is used by XilFPGA Readback feature to dis-allow readback in case secure bit-stream is loaded.
  10. 0xFFD80050 (PMU_GLOBAL_PERS_GLOBAL_GEN_STORAGE0) → This register is used to store Exception Status Register (ESR) value of the PMU Microblaze register when any exception occurs.
  11. 0xFFD80054 (PMU_GLOBAL_PERS_GLOBAL_GEN_STORAGE1) → This register is used to store Exception Address Register (EAR) value of the PMU Microblaze register when any exception occurs.
  12. 0xFFD8006C (PMU_GLOBAL_PERS_GLOBAL_GEN_STORAGE7 - bit 3) → Since 2018.3, PMU is using this bit to indicate FSBL whether DDR is in self-refresh mode or not. PMU will set this bit if DDR is in self-refresh during warm-restart and clears after the restart.

And 0xFFD8004C (PMU_GLOBAL_GLOBAL_GEN_STORAGE7) is used by PMU_ROM. This register is used in case we encounter problems with the PL Power Up routine in which ROM does not wait long enough for the PL to come out of reset. The time ROM waits can be extended by increasing the value of this register.

FSBL also uses few general storage registers. Please refer to this link in FSBL wiki for the list of registers reserved for FSB