This page describes the HDMI FrameBuffer Example design for 2020.1, source of the packages and how to build and run it.
- Linux host machine with Ubuntu 16.04 LTS, for all tool flow tutorials (see UG1144 for detailed OS requirements)
- Vivado Design Suite version 2020.1
- PetaLinux Tools version 2020.1 (see UG1144 for installation instructions)
- Git distributed version control system
- Silicon Labs quad CP210x USB-to-UART bridge driver
- Serial terminal emulator e.g. Teraterm, Putty
- Example Design Zip File
- ZCU102 rev 1.0 including all source code and project files (See Licensing for additional Third-Party Library Sources)
- To build the petalinux_bsp, make sure the petalinux 2020.1 tool is available and has been sourced in the shell
- NOTE: HDMI drivers are available as out-of-tree kernel module. A recipe is included in the petalinux_bsp/project-spec/meta-user/recipes-hdmi/hdmi that will automatically fetch the hdmi drivers from the github during the build process
- Design hardware file (xsa) should be available in the hw-description folder
- Build the project image file along with the rootfs