To Create SD Card with two partitions: Boot(FAT32+Bootable) and Root(EXT4) Refer this Link.
content fromrdf0428-zcu104-vcu-hdmi-roi-2020-2/image/sd_card/boot
to Boot partition in SD CardExtract
to Root partition in SD Card usingBoot the board with Flashed SD Card
To Create SD Card with two partitions: Boot(FAT32+Bootable) and Root(EXT4) Refer this Link.
For Build Flow refer this steps and copy mentioned generated dpu build images
bd.hwh BOOT.BIN boot.scr dpu.xclbin Image system.dtb
into BOOT partition of the SD card and extract generatedrootfs.ext4
into ROOT partition of SD CardCopy the mentioned
contentconfig, vitis, start.sh, setup.sh
directory to Boot partition in SD CardBoot the board with Flashed SD Card
All the required Vitis AI packages are already available in rdf0428-zcu104-vcu-hdmi-roi-2020-2/image/sd_card/boot/vitis
directory which needs to be installed using start.sh script after boot-up. Please wait till target setup complete and Vitis AI packages are installed.