This tutorial explains procedure to measure transition times and respected power values when either PS or PL suspends or wake up. By following below procedure, user can see/measure the suspend/wake-up time and power. These procedures are for 2020.2 and later releases.
Petalinux 2020.2 generated images (including rpu_app.elf, boot.bif and BOOT.BIN):
ZCU102 rev1.0: zynqmp-petalinux-images-2020.2.tar
Linux log: zynqmp-linux-log.txt
Open Vitis and start with empty application as shown below
Select “create a new hardware platform“ and select petalinux prebuilt XSA file as shown below (uncheck generate boot components option in case of ZynqMP)
Select target processor as "psu_cortexr5_0" and give the application name (ex. rpu_app)
Click next and leave all options unchanged
Click next and select "Empty Application" from the template list
Click finish which will show the project window as shown below
Now click on "Navigate to BSP" settings and click "Modify BSP settings"
Now select the "xilpm" library option as shown below.
Select psu_cortexr5_0 and add “-DDEBUG_MODE“ in extra_compiler_flags as shown below and click ok.
Right click on "rpu_app" from explorer and select "import sources" option
Download rpu_src.tar and extract it to local folder
Select the source and target path as shown below and click ok
Right click on "rpu_app" from explorer and select "build project"