Zynq UltraScaleļ¼‹ MPSoC Power Advantage Tool part 4 - Building and Running the SD Image

Any time you change the Zynq design to demo, you will need to build a new SD image. This section describes how to build and run the Zynq portion of the SD image (boot.bin) from the source .elf and .bit files.

1.1 SD Image

1.1 Building the boot.bin

The steps to build a boot.bin file from a .bif file are included in the makem.bat file, and can be run as:
  • Windows > All Programs > Xilinx Design Tools > SDK 2016.2 > Xilinx Software Command Line Tool > cd C:/zynqus/pwr/sd/<Folder> (e.g.cd C:/zynqus/pwr/sd/Ubuntu) > makem

Note: To update any .elf files, copy from your PS project c:\zyqnus\pwr\sw\<project>\Debug\<.elf file> or from your Linux project <project>\pre-built\linux\images\<.elf file>

1.2 Using the SD Image

The steps to build a boot.bin file from a .bif file are included in the makem.bat file, and can be run as:
The steps to use the SD Image are as follows:
  • If you do not already have an SD, see how to make an SD from a Pre-Built Image here.
  • Copy C:\zynqus\pwr\sd\<Folder>\boot.bin that you just made to the SD card (image.ub and system.dtb may also be provided. Note: system.dtb for different board versions may be different, so there may be more than one provided.)
  • Insert the SD card into the SD Card slot on the Evaluation Board (e.g. ZCU102), set Mode SW6 to 1-4 On-Off-Off-Off, and power cycle the Evaluation Board. (Note: For ES1 Silicon, set Mode SW6 to 1-4 Off-On-Off-On.)

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