Adding New RPM Packages in meta-petalinux

Adding New RPM Packages in meta-petalinux

Adding New RPM Packages in meta-petalinux

meta-petalinux supports various packages for Xilinx architectures.

However there might be a use-case when a user wants to add additional packages to create a rpm feed channel

Step-by-step guide

Add the steps involved:

  1. meta-petalinux should be setup for Yocto build setup
  2. For example we want to add wireless-tools package to Zynq/ZynqMP architecture
  3. In meta-petalinux, packagegroup-petalinux.bb contains the information about all the packages being built for each architecture

      • ZYNQ_EXTRAS = " \
            bonnie++ \
            hdparm \
            iperf \
            libattr \
            libinput \
            opencv \
            python-multiprocessing \
            python-numpy \
            python-scons \
            python-shell \
            python-threading \
            python-smartpm \
            smartmontools \
            v4l-utils \
            yavta \
            libmetal \
            wireless-tools \
      • save the file
      • bitbake to get the new RPM
      • $ MACHINE=<architecture>-generic bitbake petalinux-image
    • find -name "wireless-tools*rpm" in /tmp/deploy/rpm to verify it is built
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