Zynq UltraScale MPSoC Base TRD 2016.4 - Design Module 5
Zynq UltraScale MPSoC Base TRD 2016.4 - Design Module 5
Zynq UltraScale MPSoC Base TRD 2016.4 - Design Module 5
Return to the Design Tutorials Overview.
Design Overview
This module shows how to build a Qt video application demonstrating the following features:
- Display via PS DP (DRM framework)
- Video capture from USB webcam or virtual video device (vivid) (V4L2 framework)
- GUI overlay via GPU with OpenGL (using Qt framework)
Design Components
This module requires the following components:
- zcu102_dp_only
- pmu_fw
- petalinux_bsp
- zynqmp_fsbl
- bl31
- u-boot
- kernel
- device tree (system-dm5.dts)
- rootfs
- video_lib
- video_qt2
Build Flow Tutorials
PL DP Only Design
This tutorial show how to build the DP only Vivado design that implem