reVISION Getting Started Guide 2017.4 rev2

reVISION Getting Started Guide 2017.4 rev2

Table of Contents

1 Revision History

This Getting Started Guide complements the 2017.4 rev2 version of the ZCU102 and ZCU104 reVISION platforms.
For other versions, refer to the reVISION Getting Started Guide overview page.

Change Log:
  • ZCU102 and ZCU104 boards are supported
  • Samples now use the GStreamer framework, included with the reVISION platform
  • Sample design examples are built as GStreamer plugins
  • Sample apps are included, to exercise the sample plugins
  • Modified the samples directory structure, with a new workspace structure provided for the user
  • Improved and augmented many features of the xfopencv library

  • Update to 2017.4 SDSoC tools version
  • Update to 2017.4 xfOpenCV libraries version
  • Update to 2017.4 IP version
  • Cascade platform interrupts to PS GIC using AXI interrupt controller
  • Enable HP2 port in platform
  • Use Sony IMX274 v4l2 subdevice driver
  • Add filter2d live IO sample
  • Minor fixes and improvements

2 Introduction

The Xilinx reVISION stack includes a range of development resources for platform, algorithm and application development. This includes support for the most popular neural networks including AlexNet, GoogLeNet, VGG, SSD, and FCN. Additionally, the stack provides library elements including pre-defined and optimized implementations for CNN network layers, required to build custom neural networks (DNN/CNN). The machine learning elements are complemented by a broad set of acceleration ready OpenCV functions for computer vision processing. For application level development, Xilinx supports industry standard frameworks and libraries including Caffe for machine learning and OpenCV for computer vision. The reVISION stack also includes development platforms from Xilinx and third parties, including various types of sensors. For more information go to the Xilinx reVISION webpage.

3 Overview

The below figure shows a block diagram of the reVISION single sensor design:
  • video sources (or capture pipelines) are highlighted in blue color
  • computer vision accelerators implemented as memory-to-memory (m2m) pipelines in red color and
  • video sinks (or output/display pipelines) in green color

3.1 Platform

The ZCU102/ZCU104 single-sensor reVISION platform supports the following video interfaces:

  • USB2/3 camera up to 1080p60 or stereo 1080p30
    • The USB controller is part of the processing system (PS). It uses the standard Linux Universal Video Class (UVC) driver.
  • HDMI Rx up to 4k60
    • The HDMI capture pipeline is implemented in the programmable logic (PL) and consists of HDMI Rx Subsystem, Video Processing Subsystem (Scaler only configuration), and Frame Buffer Write. The HDMI Rx subsystem receives and decodes the HDMI data stream from an HDMI source and converts it to AXI4-Stream. The Video Processing Subsystem converts the incoming color format (one of RGB, YUV444, YUV422) to YUV422 and optionally scales the image to the target resolution. The Frame Buffer Write IP writes the YUV422 stream to memory as packed YUYV format. The HDMI capture pipeline uses the V4L Linux framework.
  • MIPI CSI via optional FMC card up to 4k60
    • The MIPI capture pipeline is implemented in the PL and consists of Sony IMX274 image sensor, MIPI CSI2 Subsystem, Demosaic, Gamma, Video Processing Subsystem (CSC configuration), Video Processing Subsystem (Scaler only configuration), and Frame Buffer Write. The IMX274 image sensor provides raw image data over the camera sensor interface (CSI) link. The MIPI CSI2 Subsystem receives and decodes the incoming data stream to AXI4-Stream. The Demosaic IP converts the raw image format to RGB. The Gamma IP provides per-channel gamma correction functionality. The VPSS-CSC provides color correction functionality. The VPSS-Scaler conv