Time-Sensitive Networking (TSN) is a set of standards under development by the Time-Sensitive Networking task group of the IEEE 802.1 working group.

Table of Contents

Xilinx TSN IP Support

TSN System

Traffic Classes

             TSN IP supports two configurations :

a. 3 queue or 3 traffic class system:

         1. Best Effort

         2. Scheduled

         3. Reserved

b. 2 queue/2 traffic class system 

          1. Best Effort

          2. Scheduled

PCP and Traffic Class

The vlan pcp of the ethernet frame is used to identify the traffic class by the HW. By default, pcp of 4 is mapped to ST and pcp’s of 2 and 3 are mapped to RES(reserved). If pcp is any other or if frame has no vlan tag, its considered as BE.

2019.x and earlier releases:

This default mapping can be changed by kernel command line option, in uEnv.txt.

For eg.

             bootargs=console=ttyPS0,115200 xilinx_tsn_ep.st_pcp=5 xilinx_tsn_ep.res_pcp=2,3 root=/dev/mmcblk0p2 rw rootwait earlyprintk

2020.x and later releases:

The arguments in boot.scr determine PCP mapping. The default values remain same as mentioned above.

To change the PCP, edit the file <TOP_DIR>/sources/meta-xilinx-tsn/recipes-bsp/u-boot/uboot-zynq-scr/boot.cmd.sd.<boardname>.
For example, the following command line maps a pcp of 1 to ST traffic, a pcp of 4 to RES traffic, and the
rest of the pcps to BE traffic:
bootargs=console=ttyPS0,115200 xilinx_tsn_ep.st_pcp=1 xilinx_tsn_ep.res_pcp=4
root=/dev/mmcblk0p2 rw rootwait earlyprintk

The following command line maps pcps of 2 and 3 to ST traffic, a pcp of 1 to RES traffic, and the rest of the pcps to BE traffic.
bootargs=console=ttyPS0,115200 xilinx_tsn_ep.st_pcp=2,3 xilinx_tsn_ep.res_pcp=1
root=/dev/mmcblk0p2 rw rootwait earlyprintk

After changing the PCP values, source the bitbake environment and run bitbake build again:
#source setupsdk
#bitbake core-image-minimal

CAUTION: Do not edit the boot.scr file directly.

Generating TSN Traffic:

Generating TSN Traffic, can be done by using raw sockets, where you can create ethernet frame with relevant pcp. One such implementation is tsn_talker provided as part of TSN Yocto SW release.

Converting Legacy Applications to TSN

Sometimes users need port legacy applications to send/receive TSN Traffic without having to change/modify them. For example, an application which only uses L3 layer (IP) to communicate shall not have capabilities to insert pcp/vlan into the frame. To solve this, Xilinx TSN Solution has IP interception kernel module support, to seamlessly transition legacy applications to use TSN technology. See "Running IPIC" section for more details.

PTP Profiles Supported

TSN IP has support for following profiles:

a. 1588v1 and 1588v2

b. Power Profile

c. 802.1AS

d. 802.1ASREV

TSN driver and SW daemon (ptp4l and openAvnu/gptp) support is available for :

a. 1588v2

b. 802.1AS

c. 802.1ASREV (not all features may be available. See ptp4l/openAvnu documentation).

PTP offload on R5 in zynqmp

        Xilinx TSN solution offers running multiple instances of 802.1AS PTP function(ptp4l) on RPU of zyng Ultrascale platform. This is implemented by porting PTP(ptp4l) daemon and part of TSN IP driver to FreeRTOS running on R5. The control path is handled through A53(main processor), through OpenAMP frame-work.

     This enables customers who intend to completely isolate and have a resilient PTP function.

Running gPTP(802.1AS):

       gPTP daemon can be run in two ways. One way is to run it from OpenAvnu, and the other is to run it from ptp4linux. Latter is preferred as it prints rms values at slave to identify sync with master.

          From the Intel card PC machine launch gPTP daemon as follows:

          #Open-AVB/daemons/gptp/linux/build/obj/daemon_cl enp4s0 –S

          From the Xilinx board launch PTP daemon as follows:

          #daemon_cl eth1 –S

          [1] 186
          ERROR at 636 in ../src/linux_hal_common.cpp: Group ptp not found, will try root (0) instead
          Using clock device: /dev/ptp0
          Starting PDelay
          root@Xilinx-ZCU102-2016_1:~# AsCapable: Enabled
         *** Announce Timeout Expired - Becoming Master
         New Grandmaster "00:0A:35:FF:FE:00:01:0E" (previous "00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00")

         From the Xilinx board launch PTP daemon as follows:

         #ptp4l -P -2 -H -i eth1 -p /dev/ptp0 –s -m -f /usr/sbin/ptp4l_slave.conf

         Download PTP daemon from https://sourceforge.net/p/linuxptp/ and compile to get ptp4l binary in Intel card PC. Use gPTP.cfg or default.cfg file present in the linuxptp source code.

         From the Intel card PC launch PTP daemon as follows:

         (Use /usr/bin/ptp4l_master.conf from the board on PC)

         #ptp4l -P -2 -H -i enp4s0 -p /dev/ptp0 -m -f ptp4l_master.conf

        Upon successful synchronization, RMS values prints at the slave would be as follows:

        root@zcu102-zynqmp:~# ptp4l -P -2 -H -i eth1 /dev/ptp0 -s -m -f /usr/sbin/ptp4l_slave.conf

        ptp4l[7940.770]: selected /dev/ptp0 as PTP clock

        ptp4l[7940.800]: driver changed our HWTSTAMP options

        ptp4l[7940.800]: tx_type   1 not 1

        ptp4l[7940.800]: rx_filter 1 not 12

        ptp4l[7940.800]: port 1: INITIALIZING to LISTENING on INITIALIZE

        ptp4l[7940.800]: port 0: INITIALIZING to LISTENING on INITIALIZE

        ptp4l[7948.772]: port 1: LISTENING to MASTER on ANNOUNCE_RECEIPT_TIMEOUT_EXPIRES

        ptp4l[7948.772]: selected best master clock 000a35.fffe.00010e

        ptp4l[7948.772]: assuming the grand master role

        ptp4l[7949.452]: port 1: new foreign master a0369f.fffe.684c96-1

        ptp4l[7953.452]: selected best master clock a0369f.fffe.684c96

        ptp4l[7953.452]: port 1: MASTER to UNCALIBRATED on RS_SLAVE

        ptp4l[7953.951]: port 1: UNCALIBRATED to SLAVE on MASTER_CLOCK_SELECTED

        ptp4l[7954.701]: rms 1732 max 2297 freq -100287 +/- 1208 delay   509 +/-   0

        ptp4l[7955.701]: rms  326 max  499 freq -101341 +/- 438 delay   509 +/-   0

        ptp4l[7956.702]: rms  545 max  579 freq -102323 +/- 151 delay   509 +/-   0

        ptp4l[7957.702]: rms  343 max  463 freq -102512 +/-   9 delay   509 +/-   0

        ptp4l[7958.702]: rms  118 max  193 freq -102419 +/-  43 delay   509 +/-   0


Running PTP 1588v2 :

Running Qbv/Time Aware Shaper:

Qbv functionality can be programmed using qbv_sched utility.

For Example:

qbv_sched -c ep /tmp/abc.cfg

This schedules Qbv on ep using the TSN configuration of abc.cfg present in tmp directory

qbv_sched ep

This schedules Qbv on ep using the default TSN configuration present in /etc/qbv.cfg

qbv_sched -g ep

This returns the schedule running on ep

qbv_sched -s ep -f

This forces a Qbv schedule on ep even if a schedule is pending to be run on ep

qbv_sched -c ep /tmp/abc.cfg -f

This forcefully runs Qbv using TSN configuration of abv.cfg presnt in tmp directory even if a schedule is pending to be run on ep

Testing with Wireshark:
Configuring Qbv:

The default TSN configuration is present in the /etc/qbv.cfg file. This file has the QBV gate schedule. To run Qbv, you need to configure this file as per the instructions given in it. To open all gates, cycle_time should be 0.

For Example:

qbv =
              temac1 =
                      start_sec = 0;
                      start_ns = 0;
                      cycle_time = 10000000; //cycle time is 10ms
                      gate_list_length = 2;
                      gate_list =
                                  state = 4;
                                  time = 100000;
                                    state = 1;
                                    time = 100000;


As 'temac1' part of the file is configured, Qbv scheduler is run on 'eth1' using qbv_sched utility as follows:

# qbv_sched eth1

qbv_sched utility can be used to schedule all interfaces ep, eth1- temac1 and eth2- temac2

The above Qbv schedule opens ST gate for 100uS and then closes it. Cycle time is 10ms; So after 100uS BE gate is kept open for the rest of the cycle time even though it's gate time is 100uS as the sum of gate time's is not cycle time.

To test TSN functionality you need to run PTP in the background and make sure it’s working without any errors. After PTP starts running in the background, run tsn_talker program from the Xilinx HW. Before launching tsn_talker application configure the switch CAM entry to allow corresponding traffic.

#switch_cam -a a0:36:9f:68:4c:96 10 swp1

Switch CAM entry is added with destination MAC as a0:36:9f:68:4c:96, VLAN ID as 10 and port as swp1 (Temac1).

#tsn_talker eth1 a0:36:9f:68:4c:96 00:0a:35:00:01:0e 10 4 1500 0 12 1000000000 1

This application sends 12 ST packets with VLAN ID as 10 and packet size as 1500 bytes every 1 second.

From the Intel card PC, run Wireshark and observe the incoming packets.

Wireshark Before Qbv Programming:

as we can see in the above picture, from 106th packet untill 117th packet are all in sequence and the next packet  starts at the next second. 

Wireshark After qbv programming:

You would observe that every second 12 ST packets are sent of which 8 packets are sent in the 100us of 10 ms cycle and the rest 4 packets are sent in the next cycle.

As we can see in the above picture, from 4th packet until 11th packet (8 packets) are received sequentially and the next packet starts after 10ms delay (packet no. 12).

Running IPIC:

IP interception translates the transmit packet with the configured source, destination MAC addresses, VLAN ID and PCP values if the packets' IPv4 tuples (source IP, destination IP, DSCP, protocol, source port number and destination port number) match. IPIC module maintains hash entries of IPv4 tuples and if the out-going packets' tuple data match with that of hash entries , translates the IP stream.

To configure the matching condition of IPv4 tuple, at driver load time, choose '1'(set) or '0' (unset) against the corresponding tuple data where IPv4 tuple order is 'IPv4_tuple=src_ip, dest_ip, dscp, protocol, src_port, dest_port'. 

For example, to filter packets that have a specific source IP, source port number, and destination port number, it is needed to load IPIC module as follows:

In this case, DSCP, protocol, source port number and destination port number are not considered.

User application ipic_prog programs IPIC module to add hash entries corresponding the set IPv4 tuple data, and translate IP stream with provided source, destination MAC addresses, VLAN ID and PCP values when the set IPv4 tuple data matches.

Usage of ipic_prog is as follows:

Following are the examples of addition of a single entry, and deletion of single and all entries.

Addition of Entry:

Deletion of Entry:

Deletion/Flushing of All Entries:

If you want to add multiple entries with different IPv4 tuple combinations and different translation fields, run ipic_prog command for each entry.

For example, the following commands add two entries with same source IP and different destination IPs, and translate the streams with different source, destination MAC addresses and VLAN IDs

In this case, packets with destination IP as are translated with VLAN ID of 10 and MAC address of source as 00:0a:35:00:01:0e and of destination as  a0:36:9f:68:4c:96

In this case, packets with destination IP as are translated with VLAN-ID of 99 and MAC addresses of source as 00:0a:35:07:89:ff and of destination as  a0:36:9f:87:44:00

the translated IP stream is sent out of network ports if there is a switch CAM entry corresponding to the destination MAC address and VLAN ID. Hence, make sure to add CAM entries using switch_cam command.

For example, for the above two added entries, switch_cam is run as follows:

Transmit packets from the board, for example, using iperf3 as follows:

Make sure iperf3 server is run at the receiver as below and observe the received packets with destination MAC, source MAC addresses and VLAN ID.

Running openlldp:

When the system has preemption capabilities, openlldp is run to detect frame preemption capabilities of the peer and if the peer has the capabilities, to enable the preemption.

Run openlldp as follows:

EXTRA_IMAGEDEPENDS += "gptp misc-utils linuxptp bridge-utils python python-json python-codecs python-io curl lldpad strace lrzsz net-tools tcpdump netcat iperf3 iproute2 python-mmap python-flask python-ctypes python-re python-werkzeug python-jinja2 python-itsdangerous gui-init gui-scripts"

IMAGE_INSTALL_append = "gptp misc-utils linuxptp bridge-utils python python-json python-codecs python-io curl lldpad strace lrzsz net-tools tcpdump netcat iperf3 ipic-module iproute2 python-mmap python-flask python-ctypes python-re python-werkzeug python-jinja2 python-itsdangerous gui-init gui-scripts"

# lldpad -d

# lldptool set-lldp -i eth1 adminStatus=rxtx 

# lldptool -i eth1 set-tlv -V addEth enableTx=yes 

Running this command is mandatory for preemption

# lldptool -i eth1 set-tlv -V macPhyCfg enableTx=yes

# lldptool -i eth1 set-tlv -V powerMdi enableTx=yes

# lldptool -i eth1 set-tlv -V linkAgg enableTx=yes

# lldptool -i eth1 set-tlv -V MTU enableTx=yes

# lldptool -T -i eth1 -V sysName enableTx=yes

# lldptool -T -i eth1 -V portDesc enableTx=yes

# lldptool -T -i eth1 -V sysDesc enableTx=yes

# lldptool -T -i eth1 -V sysCap enableTx=yes

#lldptool -T -i eth1 -V mngAddr -c ipv4=<ip address(ex:>

#lldptool -T -i eth1 -V mngAddr enableTx=yes

For Example:

Steps to Test:

To activate preemption on zcu102 boards with preemption support, connect eth1 of one board to eth1 of the other. Run lldpad daemon on both as follows:

# lldpad -d

# lldptool set-lldp -i eth1 adminStatus=rxtx 

Observe if preemption is enabled and active by reading preemption enable register and preemption control status register as follows:

#devmem 0x80040440

#devmem 0x80040444

It is seen that preemption is not enabled and active, and the moment additional Ethernet capabilities TLV is set to be included in the frame in both the boards as follows:

#lldptool -i eth1 set-tlv -V addEth enableTx=yes 

It would be seen that lldpad daemon detects the preemption capabilities of the peer and enables preemption in its system if preemption is supported eventually activating the preemption.

Test Results:

Before setting additional Ethernet capabilities TLV:

root@zcu102-zynqmp:~# devmem 0x80040440


root@zcu102-zynqmp:~# devmem 0x80040444


0th bit of preemption enable register is 0 implying preemption is not enabled, and 31st bit of preemption control status register is 0 implying preemption is not active.

After setting additional Ethernet capabilities TLV in both the boards:

root@zcu102-zynqmp:~# devmem 0x80040440


root@zcu102-zynqmp:~# devmem 0x80040444


0th bit of preemption enable register is 1 implying preemption is enabled, and 31st bit of preemption control status register is 1 implying preemption is active.

Running Spanning Tree Protocol

On EP+Switch system running STP using standard linux based tools has been enabled. To enable the HW uses source MAC based filtering mechanism to identify which port a STP frame shall exit from. The TSN driver sets up these filters during driver initialization time. But to make this work, each node of the ring shall have unique mac address set up in device tree during compile time.

To run STP at each node do:

#ip link add name br0 type bridge

#ip link set dev eth1 master br0

#ip link set dev eth2 master br0

#ifconfig br0 up

#ip link set dev br0 type bridge stp_state 1

Check the status of spanning tree

#brctl showstp br0

Time Aware DMA (TADMA)

TimeAware DMA is a feature where users can control the precise time a packet gets picked up for transmission. Not to be confused with time aware shaper (TAS). For example, for a Qbv schedule with cycle time of 1ms, one can program a stream to be triggered at a particular offset. If during that offset the stream’s traffic class window is open the frame is transmitted precisely at that offset.

TADMA is programmed with tadma_prog command, add the streams and trigger point of each stream in the /etc/stream.cfg. Trigger point is relative to qbv cycle start time and it not absolute PTP time.

#tadma_prog -c <interface> <streams config file>

Stream is the combination of MAC address and VLAN ID. TADMA works only for ST – Scheduled Traffic packets. Provide the trigger point for streams on the QBV cycle time and also mention number of pacects to be sent in the count value 1 to 4. Schedule QBV before programming TADMA.

By default TADMA engine works in continuous mode, it fetches ST frames in continuous loop. When streams are programmed it goes into discrete mode fetching frames at trigger point(s).

        Example /etc/stream.cfg:

streams =



dest = "00:0a:35:00:01:0e";

vid = 10;

trigger = 100000;

count = 1; // fetch 1 frame at this time



dest = "00:0a:35:00:01:0f";

vid = 20;

trigger = 200000;

count = 2; // fetch 2 frame at this time



OOB Scripts

From 2020.1 lounge release, out of box scripts are included for a basic demonstration of any of the clauses. These scripts can be run directly after linux probe without any additional commands.

OOB scripts are available for:

How to Run

#sh qbv_auto.sh <dest mac>

For more details on setup, please refer to Getting Started Guide.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)


        a. Make sure you run PTP first. Without running PTP qbv state machine will stall.

        b. Make sure you program the switch CAM for the destination MAC and VLAN associated with traffic you are trying to send.

By default the PTP RTC clock starts with (0 sec, 0nsec) or Jan 1 1970 at boot up. This can be changed by setting PTP RTC clock to CLOCK_REALTIME of the system clock.

#phc2sys -c /dev/ptp0 -s CLOCK_REALTIME -O 0

Run this command once so the PTP RTC clock gets set with system time(CLOCK_REALTIME).

There is slight difference in the Qbv on temac1 and EP egress. The reason is due to EP side its store and forward. On MAC side(temac1 or temac2) if its store and forward(configurable) then they both behave exactly same. If its cut-through which is the case in the reference HW design we release then it behaves slightly different. For example, to send a 1500bytes frame 16uS window would be needed on EP side and slightly higher 16.5uS window needed on temac1+cut_through as cut-through will have some latency on top of 16us.

Starting from 2018.3, the data path is moved to internal cpu bounded interface "ep". On network ports eth1 and eth2 only control path(STP/LLDP/PTP) frames can be transmitted or received. Please use tsn_talker with ep interface.

The TSN drivers and subsystem package(Yocto version) is delivered to our licensed customers via TSN lounge Access on Xilinx.com. Although the TSN drivers are available on xilinx kernel https://github.com/Xilinx/linux-xlnx, they may not be the latest. As we streamline driver delivery with our Yocto release available against Vivado release, its always recommended to use Lounge release. Eventually all TSN drivers will be pushed to Xilinx github kernel also the device tree infrastructure will be pushed to https://github.com/Xilinx/device-tree-xlnx.

Run ptp4l with slave and master. After a while reboot the master system and run ptp4l again. Now ptp4l instance on the slave never regains the sync with master and post huge rms :

ptp4l[1471.104] rms 1257113383298 max 1257507158007 freq +90000000 +/- 0 delay 407 +/- 0

ptp4l[1471.104] rms 1257103383298 max 1257506158007 freq +90000000 +/- 0 delay 407 +/- 0


From the ptp4l man page:
The maximum offset the servo will correct by changing the clock frequency instead of stepping the clock. When set to 0.0, the servo will never step the clock except on start. It's specified in seconds. The default is 0.0.

So the clock is only adjusted at start of daemon and not during the running of the daemon. You can by pass this by setting step_threshold in ptp4l_slave.cfg to say 1ms
/* add this line to ptp4l cfg file on slave */
step_threshold 0.001

This will force the daemon to step the clock if difference between master and slave is more than 1ms. It is usually not recommended as the stepping the clock would dramatically change the time for all the running applications using the ptp time.

When EP+Switch design is instantiated, the system shall have two network interfaces(eth1 and eth2) and one internal cpu port/interface(ep). PTP daemon can be run independently on eth1 or eth2 when using the system as end node. But when this system becomes part of TSN network where both eth1 and eth2 are connected to external systems, it is important to run PTP daemon (single instance) on both the interfaces(eth1, eth2). There is only one PTP hardware clock (RTC) in the system.

To run BC using ptp4l:

Enable clock_type field in ptp4l config file as BC. Then run ptp4l as follows. The BMCA shall happen across the device. If the Xilinx device becomes GM (through BMCA) then devices connected through eth1 as well as eth2 shall sync their clock(slave) with its PTP clock.

#ptp4l -P -2 -H -i eth1 -i eth2 -p /dev/ptp0 -m -f /usr/sbin/ptp4l.conf

ptp4l[139.040]: selected /dev/ptp0 as PTP clock

ptp4l[139.076]: driver rejected most general HWTSTAMP filter

ptp4l[139.076]: port 1: INITIALIZING to LISTENING on INIT_COMPLETE

ptp4l[139.108]: driver rejected most general HWTSTAMP filter

ptp4l[139.108]: port 2: INITIALIZING to LISTENING on INIT_COMPLETE

ptp4l[139.108]: port 0: INITIALIZING to LISTENING on INIT_COMPLETE

ptp4l[142.111]: port 2: new foreign master 000a35.fffe.00012e-1

ptp4l[146.111]: selected best master clock 000a35.fffe.00012e

ptp4l[146.112]: port 2: LISTENING to UNCALIBRATED on RS_SLAVE


ptp4l[146.780]: selected best master clock 000a35.fffe.00012e


ptp4l[147.987]: rms 3090228936610 max 6180457873230 freq -160 +/- 65 delay 394 +/- 0

ptp4l[148.987]: rms 39 max 49 freq -240 +/- 8 delay 392 +/- 0

ptp4l[149.971]: port 1: new foreign master a0369f.fffe.684c96-1

ptp4l[149.987]: rms 18 max 25 freq -239 +/- 7 delay 392 +/- 0

ptp4l[150.988]: rms 8 max 13 freq -233 +/- 10 delay 393 +/- 0

ptp4l[151.988]: rms 8 max 14 freq -239 +/- 8 delay 393 +/- 0


        a. Make sure you run PTP first. Without running PTP qbv state machine will stall.

        b. Make sure you have a valid schedule on EP Qbv.

c. Make sure your cycle time is greater than all trigger points.

d. Make sure your ST traffic is matching with the streams programmed in streams.cfg 

Points to note

TADMA is always programmed with ep qbv instance in discrete mode.

It depends only on  cycle time and it should be greater than last stream’s trigger time in tadma config (streams.cfg).

It should have a valid ST window within the cycle. (at least one packet to go out)

     Answer: See TSN Design with AXI Interrupt Controller

  1.  Take fitImage-<board name>.bin, BOOT-<board name>.bin, uEnv.txt(only until 2019.x release), boot.scr and core-image-minimal-<board name>.cpio from tmp/deploy/images/<board name>/ . Rename BOOT-<board name>.bin to BOOT.bin.
  2. Replace “fit_image=fitImage-core-image-minimal-<board name>-<board name>” with “fit_image=fitImage-<board name>.bin” in uEnv.txt (only until 2019.x release)
  3. Using GParted Partition Editor or fdisk command line argument, partition SD card into two parts. First part must have FAT32 file system and it’s size should be a little more than the size of fitImage-<board name>.bin, BOOT.bin, uEnv.txt(only until 2019.x release) and boot.scr combined.
  4. The second part would contain the remaining portion of SD card and it must have EXT3 file system.
  5. Copy fitImage-<boardname>.bin, BOOT.bin, uEnv.txt(only until 2019.x release) and boot.scr to the first partition (the one with FAT32 file system)
  6. Go to the mount area of second partition and run “cpio -iv < <location of core-image-minimal-<board name>.cpio>” (For example: “cpio -iv < /media/core-image-minimal-<board name>.cpio”)
  7. Boot the board with SD card. When you change any file such as /etc/qbv.cfg, changes would be retained on reboot.

TSN Design with AXI Interrupt Controller

AXI Interrupt Controller can be connected in cascade mode on Zynq and ZynqMP platforms i.e. PL-interruptpin--->AXI-INTC-→GIC. In this case, the peripherals using AXI-INTC as interrupt controller, will register their handlers to AXI-INTC and they can generate interrupts to AXI-INTC. AXI-INTC be will registered as peripheral to GIC. Whenever peripheral generates interrupts to AXI-INTC, then it generates interrupts to GIC.


AXI Interrupt Controller will be very useful when the system required more than 16 interrupt lines to connect to Zynq/ZynqMP.

The following figure shows how interrupts are concatenated and connected to axi_intc which is cascaded to ZynqMP pl_ps_irq0.

Figure : Connecting peripheral interrupt lines to axi_intc

Device Tree Generation Issue

For the proper generation of the device tree, the following setting is needed in axi_intc IP.

Figure : Changing irq output connection for proper dtg

This setting enables irq pin and ensures proper generation of interrupt-parent and interrupt numbers within axi_intc node.


axi_intc_0: interrupt-controller@80001000 {

                        #interrupt-cells = <2>;

                        clock-names = "s_axi_aclk";

                        clocks = <&misc_clk_1>;

                        compatible = "xlnx,axi-intc-4.1", "xlnx,xps-intc-1.00.a";

                        interrupt-controller ;

                        interrupt-names = "irq";

                        interrupt-parent = <&gic>;

                        interrupts = <0 89 4>;

                        reg = <0x0 0x80001000 0x0 0x1000>;

                        xlnx,kind-of-intr = <0x8000>;

                        xlnx,num-intr-inputs = <0x10>;


Known issues and troubleshooting

→ Repeated ping on broadcast packets can be observed when TSN boards are connected in a a loop configuration. This can be observed with 2 back to back boards or more where is a possibility of a loop in the network. A standard solution for this is STP enabled (see below). This is NOT specific to TSN systems and it is common precaution for any network with possible loops.

ip link add name br0 type bridge
ip link set dev eth1 master br0
ip link set dev eth2 master br0
ifconfig br0 up
ip link set dev br0 type bridge stp_state 1

→ Under heavy traffic PTP can go out of sync with TIMEOUT errors indicating that PTP process and underlying timestamp fetch did not receive enough time/priority to run. Tuning this depends on the traffic in the system but the typicall recommendations are below: