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titlePreparing the micro SD card

Use the Win32 Disk Imager utility for Windows or ‘dd’ command line utility for Linux to write the given raw disk image (.img/.wic format) to the micro SD card.

A. Using the Windows Extractor

After unzipping the downloaded image file (.zip) using windows extractor/7-zip, use the following steps to write a raw disk image (.img/.wic format) to a removable device using the Win32 Disk Imager utility. Download Win32 Disk Imager utility from here.


  1. Browse to the location of the unzipped image in the Win32 utility. Based on the format of your image (.img or .wic), select the appropriate option from the drop down menu as shown below. Selecting ‘*.*’ will make all the .wic file based images visible to you

  1. Choose the correct micro SD card under ‘device’

  2. Select ‘Write’ to the microSD card, click ‘Yes’ at the prompt to continue writing and wait till the operation is complete

Alternatively, windows users can also use the Balena Etcher tool to flash the image to the micro SD card

B. Using Command-line utility for Linux

Steps to write a raw disk image to a removable device using dd command-line utility for Linux

  1. Unzip the given image file “” in linux

    • unzip

  2. Use dd to write sdcard.img to correct enumerated disk for uSD card(check output of mount command to know sdxx mount point) in the Linux machine:

    • sudo dd if=sdcard.img of=/dev/sdbx bs=1M

titleMicro SD card partitions

Once the raw image is written to the micro SD card, you will be able to see two partitions. In the first partition (FAT32 format) resides:

  • the boot image (BOOT.bin)

  • the u-boot boot script (boot.scr)

  • and the kernel image (Image)

while in the second partition (ext4 format) resides the root file system.

Note: A Windows OS would only allows FAT32 partitions to be viewed, which is the boot partition, where as ext4 format is not recognized.


NOTE: The current SD image has been configured to support Board UI (Appendix A) by default. When connecting to the System Controller’s console, the boot won’t reach Linux’s login prompt. In order to obtain the prompt, please enter the following key-sequence. If you exist the Board Framework by entering these key-sequence and wish to use Board UI, please refer to Appendix A for instructions on how to re-enable Board Framework.


  1. Set up a Tera Term session between a Windows PC COM port and the serial port (JTAG / UART) on the evaluation board. Ensure that the correct COM port is selected and port speed is set to 115200.

  2. Board and Windows PC with Ethernet port can be connected with an ethernet cable provided in the kit [Picture: Direct connect to laptop] OR the board can be connected to network with DHCP server running to provide address [Picture: Wall RJ45].

  3. If board is in network with DHCP, jump to step 6. If board is connected to the host, continue with step 4 below.

  4. Please follow below instructions to set a static IP address in the Windows PC.

    • For example, IP address: and Subnet mask:

    • Go to: Control Panel\Network and Internet\Network Connections and open Properties

    • Image Modified
    • Please make sure:

      • The last digit of the IP Address on Windows PC should be different than what is being set on the Board.

      • The default gateway should have last digit as one, rest should be same as IP Address field.

      • Refer to the snapshot below for IP Setting

      • Image Modified


  5. If your board Ethernet is directly connected to your PC, you will need to manually set your IP Address (because there is no DHCP to automatically assign an IP Address). Enter the following command in your Linux terminal to manually set your IP Address.

Code Block
ifconfig eth0


titleSteps to create file from Petalinux BSP
  1. Command to create empty scard.img file

    1. dd if=/dev/zero of=sdcard.img bs=1048576 count=4096

  2.  Command to create partitions, please follow steps in image to create 2 partitions. (See image below)

    1. fdisk sdcard.img

  3. Command to map the partitions

    1. sudo kpartx -av sdcard.img

  4.  Format the partitions with vfat and ext4

    1. sudo mkfs.vfat /dev/mapper/loop0p1

    2. sudo mkfs.ext4 /dev/mapper/loop0p2

  5.  Mount partition1 and copy the content

    1. sudo mount -t vfat /dev/mapper/loop0p1 /tmp/fat/

    2. # copy the contents (BOOT.BIN, boot.scr, Image)

  6.  Mount partition2 and copy the content

    1. sudo mount -t ext4 /dev/mapper/loop0p2 /tmp/ext4/

    2. # copy the contents(rootfs)

  7.  Unmount the partitions

    1. sudo umount /tmp/fat/

    2. sudo umount /tmp/ext4/

  8.  Remove mapping

    1. sudo kpartx -dv  sdcard.img

SD card image Version History


(File downloaded is in .zip format. After extracting, the SD card image obtained is in .img format)

Appendix C - 8A34001 Configuration Files

The 8A34001 clock files are referenced to program this device on the board. Users with custom design for this device will need to copy their clock files (tcs and txt files) to following directory:

Code Block

A reboot is required for new clock files to be detected by the BEAM tool.

For more information on generating your own clock configuration files, refer to the Renesas Timing Commander website.

Steps to upload new clock files

  • Connect to your evaluation platform using the JTAG / UART connector (refer to the “Component Location” section of your User Guide)

  • Using TeraTerm (UG1036) or similar, connect a terminal to the last port number that shows up, in this example, COM6


  • Turn on the power (SW13)

  • Once you get the IP address


  • Connect to the System Controller using SCP with a tool like WinSCP

  • The default password for root user is the word ‘root’

  • Connect to the System Controller and copy the files from inside the clock_files folder in your host PC to the home directory in SC


  • Back in the terminal, exit the Board Framework by entering ‘EXT <Enter key><Tab key>’ key-sequence to reach Linux’s prompt

  • Check that the files you copied are present

  • From your home directory, execute the below commands to copy the clock files into the clock_files location BEAM uses to list clock files:

    Code Block
    cp *.tcs /usr/share/system-controller-app/BIT/clock_files/.
    cp *.txt /usr/share/system-controller-app/BIT/clock_files/.
  • Double check that the clock files are present

Code Block
ls -al /usr/share/system-controller-app/BIT/clock_files/


  • Now reboot the system controller - DO NOT CLOSE your terminal application

Code Block
shutdown -r now
  • Once the System Controller has booted, navigate to the web address presented


  • Navigate the menus:

Test the Board → Board Settings → Set Clock


  • Select the each of the clock files for each selector, in this case “VCK190_8A34001_100MHz.tcs” and “VCK190_8A34001_100MHz.txt”


  • Finally, click Set


  • If you see a green checkbox to the right, you have successfully programmed the clock with your custom file!

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