Zynq UltraScale+ MPSoC Power Advantage Tool part 8 - Building and PC GUI SourcesZynq UltraScale+ MPSoC Power Advantage Tool part 8 - Building and Running the Qt PC GUI Design from Sources
The Power Advantage Tool GUI is Windows-based, and Qt was chosen as the Development Environment. Customizing presets and adding customer PL configuration options is possible at this level. This section shows how to rebuild the Power Advantage Tool Qt GUI.
Note: Qt is a cross-platform tool with good support for several OS’. The interface from the GUI to the rest of the system is simply a Serial Port, so there should be good potential for code reuse on other OS’.
Note: This code is being released as-is for your reference; and, because it does not run on Xilinx IP, it is not supported by Xilinx.
Table of Contents
3 Deploying the Qt DesignRelated LinksQt PC Design
1.1 Build the Qt Design
The steps to rebuild the Qt GUI from sources are as follows:- Follow the Qt documentation steps to install and set up the latest version of Qt for Visual Studio found here.
- C:\Qt\Tools\QtCreator\bin\qtcreator.exe (and pin to taskbar)
- File > Open File or Project > C:\zynqus\pwr\qt\ZynqusPowerTool.pro > Yes (no .pro with user settings) > Configure project
- Projects > Build & Run > Edit build configuration: Debug > Build directory: C:\zynqus\pwr\qt\build > Edit build configuration: Release > Build directory: C:\zynqus\pwr\qt\build
1.2 Running the Qt Design from the Debugger
The steps to run the Qt GUI from the debugger are as follows:- Qt > Debug > Start Debugging
1.3 Deploying the Qt Design
The steps to deploy the Qt GUI are as follows:- Switch from Debug to Release and Build > Clean All
- C:\zynqus\pwr\qt\deploy.bat
- Copy the C:\ZynqusPowerToolDeployment to C:\ZynqUS_Demos\ZynqusPowerToolDeployment or your similar SD deployment path. For additional information, please refer to Power Advantage Tool Qt Theory of Operation.pdf