Zynq UltraScale+ MPSoC Base TRD 2019.2 - Design Module 2

Table of Contents

Design Overview

This design module demonstrates the FreeRTOS and application running on RPU-0, where:
  • FreeRTOS boots on RPU-0
  • FreeRTOS application "heartbeat" prints periodic messages on UART-1

Design Components

  • petalinux_bsp
  • heartbeat.elf

Build Flow Tutorials

This tutorial uses both Vitis and PetaLinux tools. It is recommended to use separate shells for each of the tools.

Heartbeat Application

The heartbeat application is a FreeRTOS application that executes on RPU-0 after the FSBL has finished. This application is a simple dual task application that demonstrates communication between the two tasks by printing messages to the UART1 console.
  • Create a new Vitis workspace.

    % cd $TRD_HOME/workspaces/ws_heartbeat
    % vitis -workspace . &
  • Click 'Import Project' from the welcome screen, Choose 'Eclipse workspace' and select next.
  • Uncheck 'copy projects into workspace', browse to the current working directory and make sure the heartbeat, and heartbeat_system are selected. Click Finish.
  • Double click on 'heartbeat_system.sprj' and close the dialog box for platform.


  • from the top menu tab choose 'File' →  'New platform', enter Project name as 'hw_platform_0' and select 'Next'.


  • Choose 'Create from hardware specification (XSA)' and browse to the xsa file in the 'hwfile' directory of 'ws_heartbeat workspace',
  • Select operating system as 'freertos10_xilinx' and processor as 'psu_cortexr5_0' and click Finish.


  • In the System Project Settings tab, Add the new custom platform generated from xsa. Click Yes on the dialog box, when prompted to change the platform.


  • double click on 'heartbeat.prj' in the Explorer tab, and  click 'Navigate to BSP settings' 


  • modify BSP settings for Cortexr5_0 processor


  • under overview panel select 'freertos10_xilinx' and modify 'stdin/stdout' to 'psu_uart_1', select ok.


  • Right-click on the heartbeat project and select 'Build Project'.


  • Copy the generated heartbeat executable into the PetaLinux BSP.

    cp heartbeat/Debug/heartbeat.elf $TRD_HOME/petalinux/bsp/images/linux

PetaLinux BSP

This tutorial shows how to build a boot image that includes the heartbeat application using the PetaLinux build tool. This step assumes you have run through the PetaLinux build in DM1 previously.
  • Create a boot image.

    % cd $TRD_HOME/petalinux/bsp/images/linux
    % petalinux-package --boot --bif=../../project-spec/boot/dm2.bif --force
  • Copy the generated boot image to the dm2 SD card directory.

    % mkdir -p $TRD_HOME/sd_card/dm2
    % cp BOOT.BIN $TRD_HOME/sd_card/dm2

Run Flow Tutorial

  • See here for board setup instructions.
  • Copy all the files from the $TRD_HOME/sd_card/dm2 SD card directory to a FAT formatted SD card.
  • Power on the board to boot the images; make sure all power rail LEDs are lit green (Note: DS1 / FPGA_INIT_B LED remains Red as there is no bit stream to configure the FPGA).
  • The user can now see FSBL prints on UART-0 and prints from heartbeat application can be viewed on UART-1 which is shown in the following picture:

    Hello from Freertos example main
    Rx task (task number: 0) received string from Tx task: I am alive
    Rx task (task number: 1) received string from Tx task: I am alive
    Rx task (task number: 2) received string from Tx task: I am alive
    Rx task (task number: 3) received string from Tx task: I am alive
    Rx task (task number: 4) received string from Tx task: I am alive
    Rx task (task number: 5) received string from Tx task: I am alive
    Rx task (task number: 6) received string from Tx task: I am alive
    Rx task (task number: 7) received string from Tx task: I am alive
    Rx task (task number: 8) received string from Tx task: I am alive
    Rx task (task number: 9) received string from Tx task: I am alive
    Rx task (task number: 10) received string from Tx task: I am alive
    Rx task (task number: 11) received string from Tx task: I am alive
    Rx task (task number: 12) received string from Tx task: I am alive

Next Steps

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