This tutorial explains procedure to measure transition times and respected power values when either PS or PL suspends or wake up. By following below procedure, suspend and wake up time of APU, These procedures are for 2017.1 and later releases.  There are some differences for later releases which are indicated when appropriate.

Table of Contents

Different power states and measure transition time of APU and PL

Prebuilt binaries for reference

For 2017.1-4

For 2018.2 and above

To generate binaries on your own please refer below steps for generating required images/binaries.

Generating required images/binaries

Steps to build Linux images

Create petalinux project

Apply Linux kernel patch to signal wakeup

Minimum kernel configuration (v2017.x - v2018.2)

Default kernel configuration (v2018.3 - later)

Build petalinux

Steps to build RPU_0 baremetal

Steps to run the images

Boot Linux with RPU

Measure the power and transition times

Use Power Advantage tool for measuring power values.

All on (PS + PL)

PS all ON

3 APUs on/off

Frequency scaling (min frequency)

Suspend to RAM and FPD off

Measure transition time of RPU

Prebuilt binaries for reference

To generate images on your own please refer below steps for generating required images/binaries.

Generating required images/binaries

Steps to build RPU_0 baremetal

Steps to build APU baremetal

Steps to run the images

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