Table of Contents

1 Introduction
1.1 About the Base TRD
1.2 Download the TRD
1.3 Base TRD Package Contents
1.4 Prerequisites
1.5 Known Issues
2 Run the TRD demo
2.1 Hardware Setup Requirements
2.2 Board Setup
2.3 Run Qt GUI Application in 1080p mode
2.4 Run UART Menu Application in 1080p mode
2.5 Run UART Menu Application in 720p mode
3 Vivado
3.1 Building the Bitstream
3.2 Steps for exporting the hardware platform to XSDK
4 Vivado HLS
5 Petalinux
5.1 Installation of Petalinux SDK
5.2 Build Petalinux images
5.3 Generate BOOT image for Zynq
6.1 Import project
6.2 Build project
6.3 Deploy and Debugging applications
7 References
8 Appendix
8.1 EDID Extended display identification data

Vivado 2015.2 Targeted Base Reference Design
Vivado 2014.4 Targeted Base Reference Design
Vivado 2014.2 Targeted Base Reference Design
Vivado 2013.4 Targeted Base Reference Design
Vivado 2013.3 Targeted Base Reference Design
Vivado 2013.2 Targeted Base Reference Design
ISE DS 14.5 Targeted Base Reference Design
ISE DS 14.4 Targeted Base Reference Design
ISE DS 14.3 Targeted Base Reference Design
ISE DS 14.2 Targeted Base Reference Design
ISE DS 14.1 Targeted Base Reference Design

1 Introduction

This page provides instructions on how to build various components of the Zynq Base Targeted Reference Design (TRD) and how to setup the hardware platform and run the design on the ZC702 Evaluation Kit. The ZC702 Evaluation kit is based on a XC7Z020 1CLG484 Zynq-7000 SoC device.

1.1 About the Base TRD

The Base TRD is an embedded video processing application designed to showcase various features and capabilities of the Zynq Z-7020 SoC device for the embedded domain. The Base TRD consists of two elements: The Zynq-7000 SoC Processing System (PS) and a video processing pipeline implemented in Programmable Logic (PL). The SoC allows the user to implement a video processing algorithm that performs edge detection on an image (Sobel filter) either as a software program running on the Zynq-7000 SoC based PS or as a hardware accelerator inside the SoC based PL. The Base TRD demonstrates how the user can seamlessly switch between a software or a hardware implementation and evaluate the cost and benefit of each implementation. The TRD also demonstrates the value of offloading computation-intensive tasks onto PL, thereby freeing the CPU resources to be available for user-specific applications.
For additional information, please refer to the user guide .

1.2 Download the TRD

An archive with the TRD files can be downloaded here .

1.3 Base TRD Package Contents

The Zynq Base TRD package is released with the source code, Xilinx Vivado and SDK projects, and an SD card image that enables the user to run the video demonstration and software application. It also includes the binaries necessary to configure and boot the Zynq-7000 SoC board. This wiki page assumes the user has already downloaded the Base TRD package and extracted its contents to the Base TRD home directory referred to as in this wiki.

1.4 Prerequisites

Note: The provided logiCVC evaluation IP core has a 1 hour timeout built-in such that the display freezes after the timer expires.
The pre-built bitfile and boot images are built from a full logiCVC IP core and don't expire.

1.5 Known Issues

Reason: Qt 5 has a hard dependency on libudev for hot pluggable hardware detection/support.

2 Run the TRD demo

This section provides step by step instructions on how to bring up the ZC702 board for video demonstration part of the TRD and running different video demonstrations out of the box.

The ZC702 Evaluation Kit comes with an SD-MMC card pre-loaded with binaries that enable the user to run the video demonstration and software applications.
It also includes the binaries necessary to configure and boot the Zynq-7000 SoC based ZC702 board.

a) If the evaluation kit design files were downloaded online, copy the entire folder content from $ZYNQ_TRD_HOME/ready_to_test onto the primary partition of the SD-MMC card which is formatted as FAT32 using a SD-MMC card reader.
b) Petalinux console login details:-
User : root
Password : root

2.1 Hardware Setup Requirements

Requirements for TRD Linux application demo setup

Note: It is recommended to use ZC702 production board. TRD binaries has been tested with a Asus VS228 display monitor. However, the examples should work well with any HDMI-compatible output device provided it supports 720/1080p resolution in its EDID database.

2.2 Board Setup

Steps for setting the board
Connect the cables as shown in figure below to prepare the ZC702 board to run the TRD video demo applications.

Note: The older ZC702 rev.x version boards does not have switches and contains jumpers. Use the following jumper settings: J21: 2-3, J20: 2-3, J22: 1-2, J25: 1-2, J26: 2-3

2.3 Run Qt GUI Application in 1080p mode

A Linux application with Qt-based GUI is provided with the package included on the SD-MMC memory card. This application provides options to user to exercise different modes of the video demonstration. The Qt application can be used in minimize / maximize mode. User can select Test Pattern Generator (TPG) video or External video source (requires the HDMI FMC card and an external video source). The transparency slider is provided to control the GUI transparency.
User can select to process a sobel filter (run as software code on the Zynq PS ) or in hardware (run in the FPGA fabric as a hardware IP core).
User can configure sobel filter controls i.e. Set sobel filter in invert/non-invert mode and control sobel sensitivity using sensitivity slider on QT GUI.

Powering on the Qt-based GUI application demo
Note: the Linux image and Qt based GUI application will be loaded from the SD-MMC memory card.

Running the Qt-based GUI application demo

Exercise different options by pressing the buttons available in the GUI to evaluate the different use cases mentioned in following

Use CaseVideo source
1Test Pattern Generator
2External video
Filter mode
None / SW / HW

Video source control modes are explained as follows:
Sobel Filter modes are explained as follows:
While exercising the modes described above, one can observe AXI bus bandwidth utilization and CPU utilization on the graphs in the Qt GUI application.
Click Exit button on the GUI using the mouse to quit the application and return the user to linux console.
The application can be restarted by typing the following at the Linux command prompt:
zynq> -qt

2.4 Run UART Menu Application in 1080p mode

A Linux application with command line menu is also provided with the package. This application provides options to the user to exercise different modes of the video demonstration over UART communications.
Note: The default Linux device tree binary file configures the video output resolution to 1080p @60Hz.

After setting the board as explained in Section 2.2, running the UART menu based application is explained in this section.
Steps for running the UART Menu-Based application demo
Power on the ZC702 board.

Start the installed UART terminal program on your host PC (e.g., Tera Term on a Windows PC, GtkTerm on a Linux PC).
Use the following UART configuration: Baud rate = 115200, bits = 8, parity = none, and stop bits = 1.

Note: This step is required to view debug information or to run the UART Menu-Based Demonstration application.
Wait for the ZC702 board to be configured and booted with Linux. After approximately 2 minutes, a XILINX ZYNQ banner displays on the monitor.

The Qt-based video demonstration application starts. The GUI application shows up at the bottom of the display monitor.
Click Exit button on the GUI using the mouse to quit the application and return the user to Linux console.
Go to the UART terminal started on the host PC.

Type these commands at the Linux command prompt into the host PC based UART terminal:
zynq> -cmd

The default resolution is 1920x1080.
The menu-based video application demonstration starts as shown in the Figure:

Exercise different options by entering the use case number displayed in the below Table against
Enter your choice: on the terminal.

Use CaseVideo source
1Test Pattern Generator
2External video

Filter mode
4None / SW / HW

Command line resolution switch utility is added to dynamically change the resolution .Enter 0 to exit the application and return to the command prompt.

2.5 Run UART Menu Application in 720p mode

Prerequisite: Monitor supporting 720p mode as current design has a strict check for supported resolution.

For more information refer to Appendix 8.1 EDID section.
To use this feature application has to be started using -r option followed by input resolution.
Steps for Running UART Menu based Demonstration Application in 720p mode.

a) Follow similar steps as mentioned in 2.4 subsection.
b) Exit UART application [enter 0 to exit ].
c)Type these commands at the Linux command prompt into the host PC based terminal:
zynq> -cmd -r 1280x720

3 Vivado

This section explains how to generate the FPGA hardware bitstream using the Xilinx Vivado tool and how to export the hardware platform to Xilinx Software Development Kit (XSDK) for software application development.

3.1 Building the Bitstream

Steps for building the FPGA hardware bitstream
Launch Vivado :

NOTE for Windows users:Copy directory 'vivado' that is at '$ZYNQ_TRD_HOME/hardware/' to a drive directly because of windows file path limit (255 characters) before following the next steps for building hardware bitstream.
From the Vivado welcome screen, in TCL console, run following commands

1. cd $ZYNQ_TRD_HOME/hardware/vivado
2. source ./scripts/create_project.tcl

The above step creates a project 'zc702_base_trd'.
In the Flow Navigator pane on the left-hand side under Program and Debug, click Generate Bitstream. The bitstream will be generated at $ZYNQ_TRD_HOME/hardware/vivado/project/zc702_base_trd.runs/impl_1/zc702_base_trd_wrapper.bit

NOTE: Video Test Pattern Generator IP in Vivado Project needs license. If it does not exists, it can be obtained from

3.2 Steps for exporting the hardware platform to XSDK

From the Vivado menu bar, select File > Export > Export Hardware
In the Export Hardware window press OK. The SDK hardware platform will be exported to $ZYNQ_TRD_HOME/hardware/vivado/project/zc702_base_trd.sdk/

4 Vivado HLS

Vivado HLS Flow for generating Sobel filter Vivado IP

Vivado HLS provides a tool and methodology for migrating algorithms coded in C, C++ or System-C from the Zynq PS onto the PL by generating RTL code.
The Sobel filter IP core used in the Zynq Base TRD was generated using this approach.

Pre-generated Sobel IP core is available at $ZYNQ_TRD_HOME/hardware/vivado/srcs/ip/xilinx_com_hls_image_filter_1_0/
To generate the Sobel filter Vivado IP, navigate to $ZYNQ_TRD_HOME/hardware/vivado_hls/sobel and run:
bash> vivado_hls run.tcl -tclargs zc702 200MHz

The IP is located in the directory $ZYNQ_TRD_HOME/hardware/vivado_hls/prj/solution1/impl/ip/
To use this IP and generate bitstream, replace the IP zip file $ZYNQ_TRD_HOME/hardware/vivado/src/ip/ by the zip file generated by Vivado HLS tool.

And follow the steps in section 3.1 'Generating the bitstream'
To open the generated project in GUI mode, run:
bash> vivado_hls -p prj

5 Petalinux

5.1 Installation of Petalinux SDK

Minimum workstation requirements:
◦ 4 GB RAM (recommended minimum for Xilinx tools)
◦ Pentium 4 2GHz CPU clock or equivalent
◦ 5 GB free HDD space
◦ Supported OS:
RHEL 6.5/6.6/7.0 (64-bit)
CentOS 7.0 (64-bit)
SUSE Enterprise 12.0 (64-bit)
Ubuntu 14.0.4 (64 bit)

Extract the PetaLinux Package
Assuming all the prerequisites described in the last subsection are satisfied, PetaLinux installation is very straight forward.Without any options, the installer will install as a sub-directory of the current directory. Alternatively, an installation path may be specific . Run the downloaded petalinux installer.
NOTE: Ensure that petalinux installation path is kept short as petalinux build may fails if path exceeds 255 chars
bash> ./
PetaLinux will be installed in the petalinux-v2015.4-final directory, directly underneath the working directory of this command.
So, if you install the installer into your home directory /home/user, PetaLinux will be installed in /home/user/petalinux-v2015.4-final.

Setup PetaLinux Working Environment
After extracting the package, the remainder of the setup is completed automatically.
1. Go to the PetaLinux root directory by running this command on the command console:
cd <path-to-installed-PetaLinux>

bash> cd /home/user/petalinux-v2015.4-final
2. Source the appropriate PetaLinux setup script by running this command on the command console:
For Bash:
bash> source
The first time the setup script is sourced, it will perform some post installation tasks to check system dependencies and initialize the Linux kernel source tree.
Below is an example of the output from sourcing the setup script for the first time:
PetaLinux environment set to ’/home/user/petalinux-v2015.4-final

INFO: Checking free disk space
INFO: Checking installed tools
INFO: Checking installed development libraries
INFO: Checking network and other services

WARNING: No tftp server found - please refer to "PetaLinux SDK Installation Guide" for its impact and solution
The post-install step only occurs once. Subsequent runs of the settings script should be much quicker, and simply output a confirmation message such as that shown below:

PetaLinux environment set to ’/home/user/petalinux-v2015.4-final'
Verify Petalinux Installation**

Verify that the PetaLinux working environment has been set:
bash> echo $PETALINUX

Environment variable "$PETALINUX" should point to the path to the installed PetaLinux. Your echo output may be different from this example, depending upon where you installed PetaLinux.

5.2 Build Petalinux images

Finally, it’s time to build your petalinux image.
User need to setup the Git on the PC check step 1.4 Prerequisite.
Linux is downloaded using git in build process of Petalinux.
Alternatively user can download a tar of linux-xlnx and extract it into
$(ZYNQ_TRD_HOME)/software/petalinux/build/linux/kernel/download/linux-xlnx, prior to "petalinux-build" command.

5.2.1 Building petalinux images
a) Configure the BSP with the hardware definition (hdf file) and use provided config files for top-level and subsystems (including kernel and rootfs)
bash> cd $ZYNQ_TRD_HOME/software/petalinux
bash> petalinux-config --get-hw-description=./hw-description/zc702_base_trd --oldconfig
NOTE In-case user want to use exported HDF generated from step 3.1, provide that path to --get-hw-description option.

b) Patch the ps7_init.c file used inside the FSBL to override the default DDR Memory Controller QoS settings. This will affect the transaction state arbitration stage by increasing the value of the WR_min_non_critical field. Refer Zynq-7000 SoC Technical Reference Manual Ch 10.4 DDRC Arbitration for details.
bash>  patch ./components/bootloader/zynq_fsbl/ps7_init.c < ./hw-description/ps7_init.patch

c) Point to the correct platform/module specific top-level device tree file by adding a symbolic link. PetaLinux assumes the top-level file is named system-top.dts.
bash> cd subsystems/linux/configs/device-tree
bash> ln -sf zc702-base-trd.dts system-top.dts
bash> cd -

d) Build all PetaLinux BSP components including FSBL, u-boot, kernel, device tree blob and rootfs.
bash> petalinux-build
The console shows the compilation progress. e.g.:

INFO: Checking component...
INFO: Generating make files and build linux
INFO: Generating make files for the subcomponents of linux
INFO: Building linux

Note : For more verbose build message use petalinux-build -v
The compilation log are stored in "build.log" in the $(ZYNQ_TRD_HOME)/software/petalinux/build directory
e) Wrap the generated kernel and rootfs with a u-boot header.
bash> petalinux-package --image -c kernel --format uImage

5.3 Generate BOOT image for Zynq

Follow the steps below to generate the SD boot image (BOOT.BIN).
petalinux-package --boot --fsbl <Path to FSBL image> --fpga <Path to FPGA bitstream> --uboot<=Path to uboot image> -o <output file>
Required option for boot image package:

--fsbl <FSBL_ELF> Path to FSBL ELF image location
Options for boot image package:
--force Force overwrite the boot binary image
--fpga <BITSTREAM> Path to FPGA bitstream image location
--uboot[=<UBOOT_IMG>] Path to the u-boot elf image location

(default <PROJECT>/images/linux/u-boot.elf)

petalinux-package command requires bootgen utility to be present in $PATH. Refer Vivado tools installation section for further information.
bash> cd $ZYNQ_TRD_HOME/software/petalinux/images/linux
bash> petalinux-package --boot --fsbl zynq_fsbl.elf
--fpga $ZYNQ_TRD_HOME/hardware/vivado/project/zc702_base_trd.runs/impl_1/zc702_base_trd_wrapper.bit --uboot

NOTE : In case only software component update is required, user may prefer to use prebuilt bistream.
Bitstream : <PROJECT>/subsystems/linux/hw-description/zc702_base_trd_wrapper.bit
cd $ZYNQ_TRD_HOME/software/petalinux/images/linux

SD BOOT mode Petalinux Deployment Binaries:

b) devicetree.dtb {renamed version of $(ZYNQ_TRD_HOME)/software/petalinux/images/linux/system.dtb}
c) { $(ZYNQ_TRD_HOME)/ready_to_test }
d) uImage
e) uramdisk.image.gz {renamed version of $(ZYNQ_TRD_HOME)/software/petalinux/images/linux/urootfs.cpio.gz}
f) bin/

Zynq Base TRD uses "" to invoke video QT application on start-up.
Comment below snippet in the script to disable auto-start: -qt &


This section demonstrates building of TRD applications using Xilinx software development kit (XSDK) .
Launch Xilinx SDK:
In the Workspace Launcher window, click Browse and navigate to $ZYNQ_TRD_HOME/software/xsdk, then click OK.
Close the welcome screen.

6.1 Import project

To import the performance library (perfmon_lib), filter library (filter_lib) , video library (video_lib) , video command-line application (video_cmd) and QT application (video_qt) into the SDK workspace.
All projects are located at the top-level inside your SDK workspace.

6.2 Build project

The following third-party libraries and corresponding header files are required to compile the application:

Pre-compiled libraries are shipped as part of the TRD under $ZYNQ_TRD_HOME/software/xsdk/lib. If you wish to build the above libraries from source, follow the below instructions:

The XSDK projects are set up to use pre-compiled libraries. In XSDK's Project Explorer, perform the following steps:

6.3 Deploy and Debugging applications

This section explain about deploying and debugging applications over SFTP interface.
a. Booting Zynq ZC702 board with binary of 2015.4 Zynq Base TRD.

b. Setting up new RSE (Remote System Explorer).
Pre-requisite: Identify the IP assigned to the eth0 interface, Check the connection by running ping between the PC and Zynq ZC702 Board.
Say IP of Zynq ZC702 Board is for eth0 interface

c. Deploying Application on SFTP

Switch to C/C++ project explorer window.
select the Binary image of by right click and choose Run As option.

d. Debugging Application on SFTP

6.4 System Performance Analysis
The following steps explain how to use XSDK's performance analysis tool to monitor several PS and PL performance metrics of the design. A JTAG cable needs to be connected for XSDK to communicate with the board. Once the system is booted, run the following command to start the Qt application with the built-in monitoring function disabled. Disabling the built-in monitoring is required so XSDK can access the performance monitor exclusively.
zynq> video_qt --no-apm

In XSDK, perform the following steps:

In the Performance Analysis perspective:
You can now enable and disable the video in the Qt GUI, disable and enable the hardware sobel filter, and minimize or maximize the GUI and monitor he differences in read/write throughput of the HP0 and HP2 ports in the XSDK monitor. See example below:

Similarly you can monitor various CPU metrics by switching to the PS Performance tab in XSDK.

7 References

8 Appendix

8.1 EDID Extended display identification data

The Extended Display Identification Data (EDID) is a data structure, with optional variants, to allow the display to inform the host about its identity and capabilities. The EDID data structure is independent of the communication protocol used between the monitor and host.

EDID 2.0 Version 2 Revision 0 data structure defined a completely new EDID data structure based on 256-byte records.
To check if a display source supports a particular resolution its EDID information can be queried. There are lot of available software tools for managing EDID information.
Example: Extron EDID Manager® is a software tool that can be a useful aid in troubleshooting potential EDID compatibility issues between a display and the source connected to it.
The software allows user to read the display's EDID and generate a report, providing detailed information about the display device.
Current Linux DRM driver has in default EDID check enabled , so on switching resolution it will check if connected monitor supports that resolution .
If monitor supports the specified resolution it switches successfully or else return an error.

root@zynq:~# -cmd -r 1280x720
ERROR(../src/drm_helper.c:266) : Input Resolution 1280x720 not supported by the monitor !