This tutorial explains procedure to measure transition times and respected power values when either PS or PL suspends or wake up. By following below procedure, user can see/measure the suspend/wake-up time and power. These procedures are for 2021.2 release.

Table of Contents

Different power states and measure transition time

Workloads on each domain

Prebuilt binaries for reference

For ZynqMP

For Versal(VCK190)

For Versal(VMK180)

RPU source:

To generate binaries on your own please refer below steps for generating required images/binaries.

Generating required images/binaries

Steps to build Linux images

Create petalinux project

Build petalinux

For Versal:

For ZynqMP:

Steps to build RPU baremetal (ZynqMP and Versal)

Steps to build BOOT.BIN

For ZynqMP

For Versal

Steps to run the images

Boot Linux with RPU

Measure the power and transition times

Start the demo

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