
The library is a lightweight user-space library built on top of the Linux driver stack to support the FPGA device programming. This 'C' library can be built statically and needs to be integrated with user application. It provides different APIs that can address multiple use cases for DFX or PL configuration data programming. It also provides faster programming capability by avoiding multiple buffer copies that are involved in other methods.

Source Code

API Details


/* Provide a generic interface to the user to specify the required parameters for PR programming.
 * The calling process must call this API before it performs -load/remove.
 * char *dfx_package_path: The contents of the package folder should look something as below:
 *                                -package: //-package1 
 *                                                                |--> Bit_file
 *                                                                |--> DT_Overlayfile
 *  char *devpath: Unused for now. The dev interface for now is always exposed at /dev/fpga0
 * unsigned long flags: Flags to specify any special instructions for library to perform.
 *                      Unused for now.
 * Return: returns unique package_Id or Error code on failure.
Usage example:
#include "libdfx.h"
 package_id1, package_id2;
/* More code */
/* -store /Pre-fetch data */
package_id1 = dfx_cfg_init ("/path/package1/", "/dev/fpga0", flags);
/* More code */
/* -store /Pre-fetch data */
package_id2 = dfx_cfg_init ("/path/package2/", "/dev/fpga0", flags);
/* More code */


/* This API is Responsible for the following things.
 *      -->Load  into the PL
 *      -->Probe the Drivers which are relevant to the Bitstream as per DT overlay mentioned in dfx_package folder)
 *  package_id: Unique package_id value which was returned by dfx_cfg_init.
 * Return: returns zero on success or Error code on failure.
Usage example:
#include "libfpga.h"
/* More code */
ret = dfx_cfg_load (package_id);
if (ret)
    return -1
/* More code */


/* This API is Responsible for the following things.
 *      -->Probe the Drivers which are relevant to the Bitstream as per
 *         DT overlay mentioned in dfx_package folder(With name: *_d.dtbo)
 * package_id: Unique package_id value which was returned by dfx_cfg_init.
 * Return: returns zero on success or Error code on failure.
Usage example:
#include "libdfx.h"
/* More code */
ret = dfx_cfg_drivers_load(package_id);
if (ret)
        return -1
/* More code */


/* This API is Responsible for unloading the drivers corresponding to a package
 *  package_id: Unique package_id value which was returned by dfx_cfg_init.
 * Return: returns zero on success or Error code on failure.
Usage example:
#include "libdfx.h"
/* More code */
ret = dfx_cfg_remove (package_id);
 if (ret)
    return -1;
/* More code */

Destroy package

/* This API frees the resources allocated during dfx_cfg_init.
 *  package_id: Unique package_id value which was returned by dfx_cfg_init.
 * Return: returns zero on success.  On error, -1 is returned.
Usage example:
#include "libdfx.h"
/* More code */
 ret = dfx_cfg_destroy (package_id); /* Returns zero on success.  On error, -1 is returned */
 if (ret)
    return -1
/* More code */

To Get PDI image Active UID info list

/* This API populates buffer with {Node ID, Unique ID, Parent Unique ID, Function ID}
 * for each applicable NodeID in the system.
 * buffer: User buffer address
 * Return: Number of bytes read from the firmware in case of success.
 *         or Negative value on failure.
 * Note: The user buffer size should be 768 bytes.

Usage example:
#include "libdfx.h"

/* More code */

 ret = dfx_get_active_uid_list(&buffer);
 if (ret < 0)
        return -1

/* More code */

To Get PDI Image Meta-header info

/* This API populates buffer with meta-header info related to the user
 * provided binary file (BIN/PDI).
 * binfile: PDI Image.
 * buffer: User buffer address
 * buf_size : User buffer size.
 * Return: Number of bytes read from the firmware in case of success.
 *         or Negative value on failure.

Usage example:
#include "libdfx.h"

/* More code */

  ret = dfx_get_meta_header("/media/binary.bin", &buffer, buf_size);
  if (ret < 0)
	return -1

/* More code */

Example Application flow

#include "libfpga.h"
int main()
 package_id, ret;
    /* package initialization */
    package_id = dfx_cfg_init(pck1/, /dev/fpga0, 0);
     if (package_id < 0)
         return -1;
    /* Package load */
    ret = dfx_cfg_load(package_id);
    if (ret)
        return -1;
    /* Remove package */
    ret = dfx_cfg_remove(package_id);
    if (ret)
        return -1;
    /* Destroy package */
    ret = dfx_cfg_destroy(package_id);
    return ret;

Build procedure

Build procedure for  compiling library from source

  1.  clone :

  2. mkdir build

  3. cd build

  4. Ensure required tool chain added to your path

  5. cmake -DCMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE="cmake tool chain file(complete path)" ../

  6. make

Build User Application and link with library source

  1. clone :

  2. Replace the existing apps/libdfx_app.c contents with the user-required application.

  3. mkdir build

  4. cd build

  5. Ensure required tool chain added to your path

  6. cmake  -DCMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE="cmake tool chain file(complete path)" ../

  7. make

  8. The final elf will be available at apps/dfx_app

Reference DTBO file format

The Device Tree Overlay (DTO) is used to reprogram an FPGA while Linux is running. The DTO overlay will add the child node and the fragments from the .dtbo file to the base device tree,

The newly added device node/drivers will be probed after PDI /BIN/BIT programming.

Devicetree Overlay file contents example: For Only PDI/BIN/BIT configuration

/ {
        fragment@0 {
                target = <&fpga>;
                overlay0: __overlay__ {
                        firmware-name = "partial_1.pdi";

PL drivers probing ( For Deferred Probe)

/ {
        fragment@0 {
                target = <&amba>;
                __overlay__ {
                        axi_gpio_0: gpio@a0000000 {
                                #gpio-cells = <3>;
                                clock-names = "s_axi_aclk";
                                clocks = <&zynqmp_clk 71>;
                                compatible = "xlnx,axi-gpio-2.0", "xlnx,xps-gpio-1.00.a";
                                gpio-controller ;
                                reg = <0x0 0xa0000000 0x0 0x1000>;
                                xlnx,all-inputs = <0x0>;
                                xlnx,all-inputs-2 = <0x0>;
                                xlnx,all-outputs = <0x1>;
                                xlnx,all-outputs-2 = <0x0>;
                                xlnx,dout-default = <0x00000000>;
                                xlnx,dout-default-2 = <0x00000000>;
                                xlnx,gpio-width = <0x8>;
                                xlnx,gpio2-width = <0x20>;
                                xlnx,interrupt-present = <0x0>;
                                xlnx,is-dual = <0x0>;
                                xlnx,tri-default = <0xFFFFFFFF>;
                                xlnx,tri-default-2 = <0xFFFFFFFF>;

Devicetree Overlay file contents example: For PDI configuration + PL drivers probing

/ {
        fragment@0 {
                target = <&fpga>;
                overlay0: __overlay__ {
                        firmware-name = "partial_1.pdi";
        fragment@1 {
                target = <&amba>;
                overlay1: __overlay__ {
                        axi_gpio_0: gpio@a0000000 {
                                #gpio-cells = <3>;
                                clock-names = "s_axi_aclk";
                                clocks = <&zynqmp_clk 71>;
                                compatible = "xlnx,axi-gpio-2.0", "xlnx,xps-gpio-1.00.a";
                                gpio-controller ;
                                reg = <0x0 0xa0000000 0x0 0x1000>;
                                xlnx,all-inputs = <0x0>;
                                xlnx,all-inputs-2 = <0x0>;
                                xlnx,all-outputs = <0x1>;
                                xlnx,all-outputs-2 = <0x0>;
                                xlnx,dout-default = <0x00000000>;
                                xlnx,dout-default-2 = <0x00000000>;
                                xlnx,gpio-width = <0x8>;
                                xlnx,gpio2-width = <0x20>;
                                xlnx,interrupt-present = <0x0>;
                                xlnx,is-dual = <0x0>;
                                xlnx,tri-default = <0xFFFFFFFF>;
                                xlnx,tri-default-2 = <0xFFFFFFFF>;

Create Device Tree Overlay Blob (.dtbo) file from .dts file

                     Ex: ./scripts/dtc/dtc -O dtb -o partial.dtbo -b 0 -@ partial.dts

Copy the generated PDI and dtbo files into the target package folder 


Known issues
