
The Xilfpga library provides an interface to the Linux or bare-metal users for configuring the programmable logic (PL) over PCAP from PS. The library is designed for
Zynq® UltraScale+— MPSoC to run on top of Xilinx standalone BSPs. In the most common use case, we expect users to run this library on PMU MicroBlaze
with PMUFW to serve requests from Linux for bitstream programming. 

How to enable

xilfpga library can be found at

- data - Provides the API and data structure details
- src - Driver source files which are further organised into
- examples - Contains example applications demonstrating the use of xilfpga library

HW IP Features

Features supported in the driver

The following features are supported in Zynq UltraScale+ MPSoC platform:

The following features are supported in Versal platform:

Known Issues and Limitations

Test Cases

There are examples which will illustrate the xilfpga usage. They can be found at
