Revision History

This wiki page complements the 2016.3 version of the Software Acceleration TRD. For other versions, refer to the Zynq UltraScale+ MPSoC Software Acceleration TRD overview page.

Change Log:

  1. Test Pattern Generator supporting various sampling rates
  2. The APU controlled PL accelerators for computing FFT are generated using SDSoC frame work. In 2016.1 release, the LogiCore FFT IP from Vivado IP catalog was used to compute FFT in PL.
  3. Design upgraded to 2016.3 Vivado and Petalinux tool chain.


This wiki page contains information on how to build various components of the Zynq UltraScale+ MPSoC Software Acceleration reference design (TRD) 2016.3 version. The page also has information on how to setup the hardware and software platforms and run the design on ZCU102 kit. The part used on ZCU102 board is xczu9eg-ffvb1156-1-i-es1.

About the TRD

The Software acceleration TRD is an embedded signal processing application designed to showcase various features and

capabilities of the Zynq UltrScale+ MPSoC ZU9EG device for the embedded domain. The TRD consists of two elements: The Zynq UltraScale+ MPSoC Processing System (PS) and a signal processing application (FFT) implemented in Programmable Logic (PL). The MPSoC allows the user to implement a signal processing algorithm that performs FFT on samples (coming from TPG in PL or SYSMON through external channel) either as a software program running on the Zynq UltraScale+ MP SoC based PS or as a hardware accelerator inside the PL. The design has three accelerator cores generated using SDSoC for computing 4096, 16384 and 65536 point FFTs. The data transfers of the SDSoC accelerators is controlled by APU. There is one accelerator (LogiCore FFT IP from Vivado IP catalog) for 4096 point FFT controlled by RPU. The TRD demonstrates how the user can seamlessly switch between a software or a hardware implementation and evaluate the cost and benefit of each implementation. The TRD also demonstrates the value of offloading computation-intensive tasks onto PL, thereby freeing the CPU resources to be available for user-specific applications.
For detailed information on complete feature set, hardware and software architecture of the design, please refer to the TRD user guide here.

Download the TRD

The TRD archive ( can be downloaded from here.

9. Optional: Open a serial communication terminal software like TeraTerm, and set up a new serial communicaiton as shown in below figure.
Click on "New Connection" and select Interface 0 and click OK (as shown in below figure).
Click on Setup -> Serial Port and make sure to setup as shown in below figure
User can see the following on the serial terminal
After linux boot is complete, you see the Petalinux login prompt, as shown in below figure
Use caseInput source
Note : To test the external audio (assuming that setup is made as per procedure mentioned above), play an audio from the MP3 player/Phone. The peak voltage of the audio source depends on the manufacturer. The voltage levels of the samples depend on the volume. If the output voltage of the audio signal goes beyond 1V, the waveform will be clipped. Adjust the volume on the audio source so that the voltage of the samples lies within 1V peak-to-peak.
FFT Compute EngineDescription
FFT Size
Window function
FFT Zoom optionDescription
FFT Scale
Sampling Rate
Computation Engine~Average computation time (us)
For instructions to build the RPU firmware using XSDK, please refer to the section:
This will set the SDSoC environment. Now launch the SDSoC tool by giving the command:
Import source code from package into the Workspace
This should return the path of petalinux installation.