Table of Contents

Zynq UltraScale MPSoC VCU TRD 2018.1 - Design Module 1#1 Tutorials
1.1 Board Setup
1.2 Build Flow
1.2.1 Hardware Design
Zynq UltraScale MPSoC VCU TRD 2018.1 - Design Module 1#1.2.2 VCU PetaLinux BSP
1.2.4 VCU Video library
1.2.5 VCU GST library
Zynq UltraScale MPSoC VCU TRD 2018.1 - Design Module 1#1.2.6 VCU GST APP
1.3 Run Flow
1.3.1 GStreamer Application (vcu_gst_app)
Zynq UltraScale MPSoC VCU TRD 2018.1 - Design Module 1#2 Other Information
Zynq UltraScale MPSoC VCU TRD 2018.1 - Design Module 1#2.1 Supported Features
3 Appendix A - Input Configuration File (input.cfg)
4 Appendix B

1 Tutorials

The below sections describe the build and run flow tutorials of the DM1 - PL HDMI Video Capture design. For the overview, software tools and system requirements, and design files, follow the link below:

1.1 Board Setup

  1. Connect the Micro USB cable into the ZCU106 Board Micro USB port J83, and the other end into an open USB port on the host PC. This cable is used for UART over USB communication.
  2. Insert the SD card with the images copied into the SD card slot J100.
  3. Set the SW6 switches as shown in the below Figure. This configures the boot settings to boot from SD.
  4. Connect 12V Power to the ZCU106 6-Pin Molex connector.
  5. Connect one end of HDMI cable to board’s P7 stacked HDMI connector (lower port) and another end to HDMI source.
  6. For USB storage device, connect USB pen drive (Optional).
  7. For SATA storage device, connect SATA data cable to SATA 3.0 port. (Optional).
  8. Set up a terminal session between a PC COM port and the serial port on the evaluation board (See the Determine which COM to use to access the USB serial port on the ZCU106 board for more details).
  9. Switch ON SW1 to power the ZCU106 board.

The figure below shows the ZCU106 board connections for HDMI RX design.

It takes about a minute for Linux to boot. The user may miss the boot sequence while the terminal session is being configured.

Determine which COM to use to access the USB serial port on the ZCU106 board.
Make sure that the ZCU106 board is powered on and a micro USB cable is connected between ZCU106 board and host PC. This ensures that the USB-to-serial bridge is enumerated by the PC host.

Open your computer's Control Panel by clicking on Start > Control Panel.

Note that the Start button is typically located in the lower left corner of the screen. Occasionally, it is in the upper left corner.
  1. Click Device Manager to open the Device Manager window. Note: You may be asked to confirm opening the Device Manager. If so, click YES.
  2. Expand Ports (COM & LPT).
  3. Locate the Silicon Labs Quad CP210x USB to UART Bridge: Interface 0 (COM#).
  4. Note down the COM Port number for further steps.
  5. Close the Device Manager by clicking the red X in the upper right corner of the window.

Launch any Terminal application like Tera term to view the serial messages
  1. Launch Tera Term and open the COM port that is associated to Silicon Labs Quad CP210x USB to UART Bridge: Interface 0 of the USB-to-serial bridge.
  2. Set the COM port to 115200 Baud rate, 8, none, 1 –Set COM port.
  3. Power ON the board which has SD card. It boots Linux on board.

1.2 Build Flow

The following tutorials assume that the $TRD_HOME environment variable is set as given below.
% export TRD_HOME=</path/to/downloaded/zipfile>/rdf0428-zcu106-vcu-trd-2018-1

NOTE: It is recommended to follow the build steps in sequence.

1.2.1 Hardware Design

Refer to the Vivado Design Suite User Guide: Using the Vivado IDE, UG893, for setting up Vivado environment.

On Linux:
  1. Open a Linux terminal
  2. Change directory to $TRD_HOME/pl
  3. Apply 2018.1 Vivado patch related to HDMI from AR71203
  4. Run the following command in Vivado shell to create the Vivado IPI project and invoke the GUI for HDMIRX + VCU TRD hardware design.

% vivado -source scripts/hdmirx_proj.tcl

After executing the script, the Vivado IPI block design comes up as shown in the below figure.

Note: If the user gets any pop-up with “No implementation Results available”. Click “Yes”. Then, if any pop-up comes up with “Launch runs”, Click "OK”.

The design is implemented and a pop-up window comes up saying “Open Implemented Design”. Click "OK".

After opening implemented design, the window looks as shown in the below figure.
Note: The actual results might graphically look different than the image shown

The HDF is created at $TRD_HOME/pl\hdmirx_proj\hdmirx.sdk\hdmirx_wrapper.hdf

1.2.2 VCU PetaLinux BSP

This tutorial shows how to build the Linux image and boot image using the PetaLinux build tool.
PetaLinux Installation: Refer to the PetaLinux Tools Documentation (UG1144) for installation.
% source <path/to/petalinux-installer>/Petalinux-v2018.1/petalinux-v2018.1-final/
Post PetaLinux installation $PETALINUX environment variable should be set.
% cd $TRD_HOME/apu/vcu_petalinux_bsp
% petalinux-create -t project -s xilinx-vcu-trd-zcu106-zu7-v2018.1-final.bsp
% cd xilinx-vcu-trd-zcu106-zu7-v2018.1-final
% petalinux-config --get-hw-description=$TRD_HOME/pl/pre-built/hdmirx_vcu/
% cp project-spec/meta-user/recipes-bsp/device-tree/files/zcu106-vcu-dm1.dtsi project-spec/meta-user/recipes-bsp/device-tree/files/system-user.dtsi
% petalinux-build

% petalinux-config --get-hw-description=$TRD_HOME/pl/hdmirx_proj/hdmirx.sdk
vi project-spec/meta-user/recipes-kernel/modules/kernel-module-hdmi_%.bbappend
SRC_URI_append = " \
                 file://0001-xilinx_drm_hdmi-Remove-unsupported-format-print-in-d.patch \
                 file://0001-Subject-PATCH-xilinx-hdmi-rx-Add-HPD-hack-for-ZCU106.patch \
% petalinux-build --sdk
% petalinux-package --sysroot

% cd images/linux
% petalinux-package --boot --fsbl zynqmp_fsbl.elf --u-boot u-boot.elf --pmufw pmufw.elf --fpga system.bit
cp BOOT.BIN image.ub $TRD_HOME/images/vcu_trd/rev-x
Note: rev-c binaries can be used for rev-d and later board versions.

Custom EDID Support
The TRD design is tested/validated with ABOX 2017 and NVIDIA SHIELD Pro. If you wants to try with any new HDMI source, you need to generate the EDID of the new source and update it in the TRD bsp. Refer to Custom EDID Support for adding the newly generated EDID file.

1.2.3 VCU APM library
This tutorial shows how to build the VCU APM library.

Note 1: Make sure you set the env variables in the same shell that is used to launch SDK. Also make sure the env variables are set before starting SDK, otherwise close and re-start SDK.
Note 2: The below command might ask you execute unset LD_LIBRARY_PATH and then re-execute the command. Go ahead and follow those steps.
% source <compiled petalinux bsp path>/images/linux/sdk/environment-setup-aarch64-xilinx-linux
% cd $TRD_HOME/apu
% xsdk -workspace . &&

1.2.4 VCU Video library

This tutorial shows how to build the VCU video library.

1.2.5 VCU GST library

This tutorial shows how to build the VCU GST library.


This tutorial shows how to build the VCU GST APP.

1.3 Run Flow

Please note that Windows formatter can't be used and partition should be FAT32, not FAT.
NOTE: The SD card file system is mounted at /media/card. Optional storage medium SATA and USB are mounted at /media/sata and /media/usb respectively.

1.3.1 GStreamer Application (vcu_gst_app)

The vcu_gst_app is a command line multi-threaded Linux application that uses the vcu_gst_lib interface similar to vcu_qt. The command line application requires an input configuration file (input.cfg) to be provided in the plain text. Refer to the Appendix A - Input Configuration File (input.cfg) for the file format and description.

Before execution of vcu_gst_app, we need to check the HDMI-Rx link status. Refer Appendix B for how to check the HDMI Link Status
% vcu_gst_app < path to *.cfg file>

Note: Required Storage medium SATA and USB are mounted at /media/sata and /media/usb respectively.

configuration files(input.cfg) for various Resolutions are placed in the following directory structure in /media/card/
├── 1-4kp60
│   ├── Display
│   ├── Record
│   └── Stream
├── 2-4kp30
│   ├── Display
│   ├── Record
│   └── Stream
├── 4-1080p60
│   ├── Display
│   ├── Record
│   └── Stream
└── input.cfg

Ex: 4kp60 HEVC_HIGH Record/Store Pipeline execution

% vcu_gst_app /media/card/config/1-4kp60/Record/Single_4kp60_HEVC_HIGH.cfg
% GST_DEBUG="GST_TRACER:7" GST_TRACERS="latency;scheduletime"  ./vcu_gst_app ./input.cfg >&& dump_log.txt

2 Other Information

2.1 Supported Features

The table below provides the supported encoder feature in this release.
Encoder FormatCommand Line
Single Stream
HEVC 4kp60
AVC 4kp60
HEVC 4kp30
AVC 4kp30
HEVC 1080p60
AVC 1080p60

√ - Supported
x - Not supported
NA - Not applicable

3 Appendix A - Input Configuration File (input.cfg)

The example configuration files are stored at /media/card/config/ folder.

Common Configuration:
It is the starting point of common configuration.

Num of Input:
Provide the number of input. that is always 1 for this design.

Select the video interface.
Options: DP

Out Type:
Options: record, and stream

Display Rate:
Pipeline frame rate.
Options: 30 FPS or 60 FPS for each pipeline.

It indicates to the application that the configuration is over.

Input Configuration:
It is the starting point of Input configuration.

Input Num:
Starting Nth input configuration.
Options: 1

Input Type:
Input source type.
Options: HDMI

File path. Applicable for file playback only. File path should be appended by “file:
Options: file:///media/usb/abc.mp4//

To tell pipeline is processed or pass-through.
Options: False

The width of the live source.
Options: 3840, 1920

The height of the live source.
Options: 2160, 1080

It indicates to the application that the configuration is over.

Encoder Configuration:
It is the starting point of Encoder configuration.

Encoder Num:
Starting Nth encoder configuration.
Options: 1

Encoder Name:
Name of the encoder.
Options: AVC, HEVC

Name of the profile.
Options: baseline, main or high for AVC. Main for HEVC.

Rate Control:
Rate control options.
Options: CBR, VBR, and low-latency.

Filler Data:
Filler Data NAL units for CBR rate control.
Options: True, False

QP control mode used by the VCU encoder.
Options: Uniform, Auto

L2 Cache:
Enable or Disable L2Cache buffer in encoding process.
Options: True, False

Latency Mode:
Encoder latency mode.
Options: normal, sub_frame

Low Bandwidth:
If enabled, decrease the vertical search range used for P-frame motion estimation to reduce the bandwidth.
Options: True, False

Gop Mode:
Group of Pictures mode.
Options: Basic, low_delay_p, low_delay_b

Target bitrate in Kbps
Options: 1-60000

B Frames:
Number of B-frames between two consecutive P-frames
Options: 0-4

The number of slices produced for each frame. Each slice contains one or more complete macroblock/CTU row(s). Slices are distributed over the frame as regularly as possible. If slice-size is defined as well more slices may be produced to fit the slice-size requirement.

4-22 4kp resolution with HEVC codec
4-32 4kp resolution with AVC codec
4-32 1080p resolution with HEVC codec
4-32 1080p resolution with AVC codec

GoP Length:
The distance between two consecutive I frames
Options: 1-1000

The format of input data.
Options: NV12


It indicates to the application that the configuration is over.

Record Configuration:
It is the starting point of Record configuration.

Record Num:
Starting Nth record configuration.
Options: 1.

Out-File Name:
Record file path.
Options: /media/usb/abc.mp4

Duration in minutes.
Options: 1-3

It indicates to the application that the configuration is over.

Streaming Configuration:
It is the starting point of streaming configuration.

Streaming Num:
Starting Nth Streaming configuration.
Options: 1.

Host IP:
The host to send the packets to
Options:, Window PC IP.

The port to send the packets to
Options: 5004,5008,5012 and 5016.

It indicates to the application that the configuration is over.

Trace Configuration:
It is the starting point of trace configuration.

FPS Info:
To display fps info on the console.
Options: True, False

APM Info:
To display APM counter number on the console.
Options: True, False

Pipeline Info:
To display pipeline info on console.
Options: True, False

It indicates to the application that the configuration is over.

4 Appendix B

Steps for GStreamer command line execution:

Support for only Single stream playback from the command line is available in this release.

$ xmedia-ctl -d /dev/media0 -p
Media controller API version 0.1.0
Media device information
driver         xilinx-video
model           Xilinx Video Composite Device
bus info
hw revision     0x0
driver version 0.0.0
Device topology
- entity 1: vcap_hdmi output 0 (1 pad, 1 link)
           type Node subtype V4L flags 0
           device node name /dev/video0
       pad0: Sink
               <- "a0080000.scaler":1 [ENABLED]
- entity 5: a0080000.scaler (2 pads, 2 links)
          type V4L2 subdev subtype Unknown flags 0
           device node name /dev/v4l-subdev7
       pad0: Sink
               [fmt:RBG888_1X24/3840x2160 field:none]
               <- "a0000000.v_hdmi_rx_ss":0 [ENABLED]
       pad1: Source
               [fmt:VYYUYY8_1X24/3840x2160 field:none]
               -> "vcap_hdmi output 0":0 [ENABLED]
- entity 8: a0000000.v_hdmi_rx_ss (1 pad, 1 link)
           type V4L2 subdev subtype Unknown flags 0
           device node name /dev/v4l-subdev8
       pad0: Source
               [fmt:RBG888_1X24/3840x2160 field:none colorspace:srgb] à Output format and resolution
               [dv.caps:BT.656/1120 min:0x0@25000000 max:4096x2160@297000000 stds:CEA-861,DMT,CVT,GTF caps:progressive,reduced-blanking,custom]
                [dv.detect:BT.656/1120 3840x2160p60 (4400x2250) stds:CEA-861 flags:CE-video]
               -> "a0080000.scaler":0 [ENABLED]

If HDMI-Rx link has issue, it appears as below.
$ xmedia-ctl -d /dev/media0 -p
Media controller API version 0.1.0
Media device information
driver         xilinx-video
model           Xilinx Video Composite Device
bus info
hw revision     0x0
driver version 0.0.0
Device topology
- entity 1: vcap_hdmi output 0 (1 pad, 1 link)
           type Node subtype V4L flags 0
           device node name /dev/video0
       pad0: Sink
               <- "a0080000.scaler":1 [ENABLED]
- entity 5: a0080000.scaler (2 pads, 2 links)
           type V4L2 subdev subtype Unknown flags 0
           device node name /dev/v4l-subdev7
       pad0: Sink
               [fmt:RBG24/1280x720 field:none]
               <- "a0000000.v_hdmi_rx_ss":0 [ENABLED]
       pad1: Source
               [fmt:UYVY/1920x1080 field:none]
               -> "vcap_hdmi output 0":0 [ENABLED]
- entity 8: a0000000.v_hdmi_rx_ss (1 pad, 1 link)
           type V4L2 subdev subtype Unknown flags 0
           device node name /dev/v4l-subdev8
       pad0: Source
               [fmt:RBG24/1280x720 field:none]
               [dv.caps:BT.656/1120 min:0x0@25000000 max:4096x2160@297000000 stds:CEA-861,DMT,CVT,GTF caps:progressive,reduced-blanking,custom]
               -> "a0080000.scaler":0 [ENABLED]