Zynq UltraScale MPSoC 2016.2 Tutorial for design module 4


Block Diagram

Component Diagram


Source Code

$ mkdir 1_apu_smp_linux

$ git clone https://gitenterprise.xilinx.com/PAEG/zynqmp_petalinux_bsp.git
This creates a folder “zynqmp_petalinux_bsp” and gets all source files from git repository

$ git clone https://gitenterprise.xilinx.com/PAEG/pmu_fw.git
This creates a folder “pmu_fw” and gets all source files from git repository

How to build images

Apply Patches

Apply the design-1 patch (refer DESIGN-1)
$ git apply 0001-Mini-Reference-Design-1-ZCU102-2016.2.patch

Apply the design-2 patch
$ git apply 0001-Mini-Reference-Design-2-ZCU102-2016.2.patch

Apply the design-3 patch
$ git apply 0001-Mini-Reference-Design-3-ZCU102-2016.2.patch

Apply the design-4 patch
$ git apply 0001-Mini-Reference-Design-4-ZCU102-2016.2.patch

FSBL build : refer DESIGN-1 at Tutorial 1

PMU Firmware
PMU FW build : refer DESIGN-1 at Tutorial 1

HEARTBEAT Application
Checkout HeartBeat Application sources from git
$ cd 2_rpu0_freertos_app/heartbeat

RPU0 HeartBeat build

follow common_procedure Build HeartBeat Application in the link: Common Functions

Perf APM Server Ctl Application
Checkout perfapm-client, perfapm-client-unittest sources from git
$ cd 4_apu_rpu_ipc

APU perfapm-client-unittest build:
Build perf-apm server targeted to RPU, with RPmsg
follow common_procedure PERFAPM-SERVER in the link: Common Functions

Device Tree
Use device tree same as DESIGN-1, refer DESIGN-1 at Tutorial 1

Kernel Image
Build the kernel image same as DESIGN-1, refer DESIGN-1 at Tutorial 1

Copy the RPU1's perfapm-server-ctl, PMUFW, FSBL images into petalinux build area
$ cp default_pmufw/Debug/default_pmufw.elf zynqmp_petalinux_bsp/images/linux/pmufw.elf
$ cp default_fsbl/Debug/default_fsbl.elf zynqmp_petalinux_bsp/images/linux/zynqmp_fsbl.elf
$ cp heartbeat/Debug/heartbeat.elf zynqmp_petalinux_bsp/images/linux/.
$ cp perfapm-server/Debug/perfapm-server-ctl.elf zynqmp_petalinux_bsp/images/linux/.

BOOT.BIN image
$ cd images/linux
$ petalinux-package --force --boot --bif design4.bif
This will create zynqmp_petalinux_bsp/images/linux/BOOT.BIN

How to Execute


Copy APU application onto SD card
After boot, at shell prompt:
$ /media/card/perfapm-client-unittest.elf