Component Name | Platform/SoC Supported | Feature Description |
Linux Kernel and Drivers | MicroBlaze Zynq 7000 Zynq UltraScale+ MPSoC Zynq UltraScale+ RFSoC Versal
| Linux Linux kernel upgraded to 6.1 AXI Ethernet phylink support Versal pin controller support GiGadevice OSPI and QSPI flash part support eMMC 5.1 HS400 mode support
BSP, Drivers and Libraries | MicroBlaze Zynq 7000 Zynq UltraScale+ MPSoC Zynq UltraScale+ RFSoC Versal Versal Net
| Baremetal, FreeRTOS LWIP upgraded to 2.1.3 LWIP enhancements to support PS SGMII fixed link, multi MAC and multi PHY configurations FreeRTOS upgraded to 10.5.1 WWDT Q&A mode support eMMC 5.1 HS400 mode support
Versal Net New library XilPKI added to support PKI operation . This has support for ECDSA signature generation, verification and Key pair generation for curves P-256,P-384, P-521
U-Boot | MicroBlaze Zynq-7000 Zynq UltraScale+ MPSoC Zynq UltraScale+ RFSoC Versal
| ZynqMP Versal |
Trusted Firmware-A(TF-A) (old name Arm Trusted Firmware (ATF)) | MicroBlaze Zynq 7000 Zynq UltraScale+ MPSoC Zynq UltraScale+ RFSoC Versal
| Versal |
PetaLinux | MicroBlaze Zynq 7000 Zynq UltraScale+ MPSoC Zynq UltraScale+ RFSoC Versal
| PetaLinux Tool Features: Upgraded our PetaLinux tool to new Yocto version 4.1 (Langdale) Deprecated auto login menu config to align with upstream Yocto Added a config option to boot from HBM Added a menu config option for WolfSSL and a config option to enable crypto extensions in it. Open sourced PetaLinux configuration scripts to use in Yocto flow as well. Enabled custom DTSI flow for DFX/CSOC in PetaLinux platform-auto.h removal for MicroBlaze and using microblaze_generic.h Added Versal Net platform support to generate images Added Ubuntu 20.04.5, 22.04 LTS and 22.04.1, alma Linux 8.7 and open SUSE leap 15.3 support. Deprecated external XSA generating DTBO from fpgamanager and chromium web browser packages from rootfs to align with Yocto Added AMD copyright info into our scripts and logos. Added menu configs for OpenAMP, Xen, xen-qemu, alias nodes.
PetaLinux BSP Features: Added the new BSP to support vpk180 prod. Enabled Sysmon in secure mode as default in VPK180 ES and production BSP's Versal Net common images Added VEK280 revB BSP support to support ADI PHY Updated VEK280 extensible platform design with AIE + VDU with AIE app in BSP pre-builts Added SDT BSP's of ZCU111, VCK190, VPK180 and ZCU104 boards. Added Support for tenzing2 se7 and se9 bsps. Removed the local openamp and xen dtsi files and updated OpenAMP and Xen enablement flow in BSP's Added K24 SOM based BSP’s :- k24c-som, k24i-som, kv240-starterkit, kd240-starterkit Open sourced the Versal SC board specific device tree files and bitstreams (versal-sc-firmware repo) Updated SC image deployment flow to have OTA support going forward. Added ADI PHY support in SC image which supports vek280 revB. Added support for tenzing2 system controller Image.
Device-tree Generation (DTG) | MicroBlaze Zynq 7000 Zynq UltraScale+ MPSoC Zynq UltraScale+ RFSoC Versal
| Enabled sugar syntax for overlays. Enabled custom DTSI flow for DFX/CSOC Added Versal Net platform support Added AMD copyright info in our device-tree Tcls
PLM (Platform Loader and Manager) | | Versal Net OCP - DevIK Cert generation OCP - Attestation response FIPS Measured Boot (PCR) Image store support for subsystem restart
Versal Image Selector update for Versal PLM footprint optimization Provisioning support for SSIT devices Secure Lockdown for SSIT devices 5 PPKs support in PLM and Secure Libraries IDCODE bypass support Boot time estimator (SSIT and HBM devices) New devices support (Windbond (QSPI), Gigadevice (OSPI))
Zynq UltraScale+ FSBL | Zynq UltraScale+ MPSoC Zynq UltraScale+ RFSoC
| Upstreaming of RSA, NVMEM drivers New devices support (Windbond (QSPI), Gigadevice (OSPI))
Xen | Zynq UltraScale+ MPSoC Zynq UltraScale+ RFSoC Versal
| |
QEMU | MicroBlaze Zynq 7000 Zynq UltraScale+ MPSoC Zynq UltraScale+ RFSoC Versal
| |
Platform Management (XilPM) | | |
AI Engine (AIE) | | |
Yocto | MicroBlaze Zynq 7000 Zynq UltraScale+ MPSoC Zynq UltraScale+ RFSoC Versal
| Yocto version upgraded to 4.1.2 (Langdale) Updated Xilinx layers for Langdale meta-xilinx meta-xilinx-tools meta-xilinx-tsn meta-petalinux meta-kria meta-system-controller
Updated community layers for Langdale Integrated Xilinx component upgrades Linux kernel U-Boot TF-A Xen Qemu GStreamer OpenAMP / libmetal
New components kernel-module-vdu libvdu-ctrlsw libvdu-omxil vdu-firmware dfeofdm
Deprecated components meta-pynq layer chromium-x11 bqplot
New machine configurations zcu670-zynqmp vhk158-versal vpk120-versal vpk180-versal vek280-versal ac701-microblazeel kcu105-microblazeel vcu118-microblazeel
Deprecated features Miscellaneous Support added for lima open-source driver as alternative to libmali Added machine configuration generator tool and generate machines based on that System Device Tree configuration tool changed to generate a machine configuration file XSA distribution moved to (was hdf-examples repo on github) Extended fpgamanager_custom bbclass to support custom dts and prebuilt dtbo Added pl-partial-custom.dtsi support in fpgamanager_dtg_dfx/csoc Changed default machine for microblaze-generic to kcu105 Renamed core to poky in yocto manifests Support added for armv8 crypto assembly instructions in wolfssl Removed meta-python2 references
OpenAMP and Libmetal | Zynq UltraScale+ MPSoC Zynq UltraScale+ RFSoC Versal
| |
DFXMGR | | |
XilSEM | | Client support for PL MB and APU (both Linux and baremetal) Support added for tandem designs Support added for new SSIT (VP1502, VP1702, VH1542, VH1782) devices Support added for new mono (VM1502.& VM1402) devices
Multimedia | | Updated Gstreamer framework to version 1.20.5 Updated VCU, PS_DP and GPU Linux device drivers to support 6.1 kernel. VCU new feature: Decoding Intra Only Frames with '--decode-intraonly' Updated Xilinx V4l2, DRM framework to support 6.1 kernel. VEK280: