Generate 3 output files (.tcs, .txt, and .bin) from Timing Commander utility for your design.
Navigate the menus ‘TEST THE BOARD → Board Settings → Clock’, and click on ‘Upload clock files’ button.
Upload the 3 files associated with your clock design from your host system to System Controller.
Select ‘Set Clock’ tab (if programming is desired for current working session) or ‘Set Boot Clock’ tab (if programming is desired to remain persistent across a power-cycle), and click on ‘Frequency’ pull-down menu for 8A34001 clock:
Select your custom clock design, and click ‘Set’.
If you see a green checkbox to the right, you have successfully programmed the clock with your custom filefiles!
Setting Boot Mode through GUI
BEAM tool selections are passed to sc_app binary in form of sc_app commands, which in turn is passed to sc_appd server. The sc_appd server is invoked at boot time and is responsible for processing the commands and returning the results back to BEAM tool through sc_app client.
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